Season 1 Episode 3: The New Ron

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In Possible's house inside the kitchen Rose sits at the table reading a book. Next to her was Kim as she stares at something with her finger on her chin. An older guy stroked his beard. Rufus holds his cheek and twitches his noes staring with a raised eye brow as the man starts moving his hand as if to check.

He then crossing his arm and shakes his head turns away saying, "No, even for Francois it is too much."

"You can do it Francois! Right, Rose!" Kim told the man with a smile and bumps the other girls arm.

Francios looked back and nodded answering, "You are right, Kim Possible, I must try. My tools!"

"Kim, this isn't a good idea." Rose says without looking up as she flips the next page of her book.

"KP, are you sure about this? I agree with Rose." Ron says as he sits on a stool in the middle of the kitchen with a tarp on.

Kim looks between her to best friend and told them, "Ron. Rose, Francois is an artist. Getting him to make a house call is like epic."

"Not, what I meant Kim." Rose responded without looking up as the red head looked at her confused.

Francois shook his head and said with a smile at the teen, "Oh, I could not visit the states and not help Kim Possible. After what you did for my poodle, oh, please, it is my pleasure."

Kim just brushed him off with a smile asking, "Those dog nippers?? had it coming."

Just for Kim's mom to walk in and called to her daughter, "Kimmie, why is Ron getting a haircut in our kitchen?"

Kim turns to her and answers as if it where obvious, "Uh, because he ferociously needs one."

She looked at the blonde boy and back at her daughter answering unsure, "Oh, I don't know."

"I do. I know what's best for Ron, even if he doesn't." The teen answers back with a nod looking back at the male Stoppable.

Rose finally closed her book and turned to her friend and said, "Kim. I've known my brother from the moment we came out of the womb. This is going to go bad. He will A. complain about it. B. Let it take over."

Kim looks at her and laughs telling her, "OOO, come one Rose. It's a hair cut."

She just started at Kim before then opening and starting to read it again as Francios used the brush on his hair and asked, "So, Ronald, your old barber, he was um... how you say... somewhat "vision impaired", yes?"

Ron didn't more and told him, "No, he could see shapes, kinda. I will not Rose!"

She laughs as he turns to his sister only for Francois to snap at and turning his head back, "No, moving you head as I work."

"Sorry." Ron answers as he got to work cutting his hair again.

She watch and said to her daughter in worry, "Oh, he's really taking a lot off."

Kim just shook her head and tells her, "He'll thank me, Mom. It's no big."

Francois laughed with his last snip reaching over for a container getting some gel and applies it to Ron's head telling him, "A piece as a dollop of... Le Goop! As they say, the secret is in the sea urchin."

The teen hero smiles and hit the other girls next to her making the blonde look up as the hair styles holds a mirror to him. Rufus crawls over to Rose and says upon seeing his second master, "Wow!"

Ron looks at himself and screams in shock, "Ahh!!!"

Making the twin sigh seeing as Kim was giving her a smug look as if she was right. Rose said closing her book telling the red head getting up, "You'll regret it. With him it's only a matter of time."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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