Season 1 Episode 1: Crush

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The scene enters to a highschool were many buses were dropping off kids. On the bolden boarder read, 'Spirit Week! Dance Friday!'. Inside past a bunch of students comes to a blonde boy who was franticly searching his locker for something yelling in panic, "Rufus? Rufus? Here boy!"

"Ron! Don't tell me you lost Rufus again!" yelled an almost identical blonde girl expect for the gender.

She had her hands on her hips as he seemed to jumped in fright but didn't stop looking in his locker. Making her sigh just another girl with red hair approached the two with a smile calling out, "Hey, you guys!"

" Rufus's has gone missing..." Ron answered holding a banana handing before giving it to the blonde without really looking at her and continuing his search.

"In your locker. No surprise!" The blonde told him snappily as she opened the banana reliving a rotten center before tossing it away gagging and whipping her hands on her pants.

The red put her hand on the other girls shoulder trying to calm her down before coming up with an idea, "Calm down, Rose. He's maybe hibernating."

"That's not likely, Kim. It's spirit week. If the little guy missed it, he'd be crushed. Rufus! Ho-hey-hey! Ho-ho! Rufus!" Ron answered her still clearly worried before starting laughing and dancing around strangely before going into his pocket pulling out a small hairless rodent.

The little guy seemed to be waking up yawning with a stretch. Kim learned foraged as Rose moved to the boys left letting out a laugh. She smiles at the small creature and extends her hand which the animal quickly and happily jumps from his hand to hers. Kim then asked as if grossed out, "A naked mole rat. You guys ever think about getting a normal pet?"

Making the twin look at each other sharing a look before looking at Kim. Ron asked first, "Like what?"

"Something not naked." Kim answered as if it were the most obvious thing.

Rufus turned to her and blows a raspberry. Making Rose laugh and answer, "He's normal to us!"

Making the rodent looked at Rose before turning back to Kim. Ron made a pose as if to be proud, "Never be normal! That's the Stoppable motto. Kim? KP? Pos-see-blay?"

He asks speaking Spanish at the end as he waved his hand in a clearly distracted red head. Ron seems complete confused looking at their friend that seemed to be staring blankly. Before Rose answered in repose with a giggle, "She has the bad case of Mankey-fever!"

Making the blonde stare were Rose confused asking, "Is it contagious?"

Making her laugh even harder before pointed to were Kim was looking to see a blonde boy who was working on a bulletin poster. Ron face changed from confusion to a grow disgusted spiting at the end of his understanding, "Oh, Josh Mankey."

Making Rufus follow him spitting, "Mankey!"

Only for Rose to sigh and shake her head as Rufus jumps back over to Ron. Rose turns and starts picking up his mess that he made from the locker not saying anything else. Ron lets out his own sigh before turning to Kim telling her, "Amp down, Kim. Someone might think you're crushing on Mankey."

"Pah, Mankey!" Rufus again spits on the name.

Only to miss that Kim had already walked up to Josh without him seeing. That his sister had laughed at his reaction to it whispering, "He's so gelling."

Making the boy quickly turn yelling, "So not!"

Rose just shrugged her shoulders before turning back to picking up his mess. Ron turned back to friend still confused to why she wasn't answering and found Kim gone and was left asking, "Huh? Kim?"

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