His mouth devoured my tits like a cave man while my hands scratched his back in pleasure which surely must have left imprints.

After half an hour, he finally ended our makeout session before taking it further.

His head felt between my tits lingering their while he demanded to run my fingers through his hair.

"What was that suddenly?" I asked him indicating about our sudden makeout session.

"I was just tired and I needed some recharge which was you" he said while his head snuggled between my tits.

After a few minutes, he let me go and went to take his kurtha that was laying on the floor while I quickly hooked my blouse and went to pick my skirt.

We both slipped into our respective dress.

I grabbed my hair and tied into a bun but that's when I realised that I have a lot of hickeys. Adhvik looked at it too.

"Here" he handed me something and it was concealer and foundation

"Why do you have concealer and foundation?, how do you get it ?and whose concealer and foundation is that?" I asked him with an angry voice while he clicked my forehead gaining a groan from me.

"You dumbo, it's yours. I took it from your makeup bag for emergency as I was sure that I would lose control today seeing you in this dress" he said while i gave him a nervous smile.

I quickly started covering my hickeys with the foundation and concealer while he sat on the chair looking at me.

After a few minutes I looked at him and asked if my hickeys are visible while he tilted his head as no and I sighed in relief.

We emerged out of the store room and there was no one as everybody was in dance floor.

We both joined the crowd and my mother in law strided her way towards us.

"Where were you Adhya?" she asked me

"Vrihanika was crying non stop,so we both went to console her" Adhvik said while my mother in law nodded her head and asked me to come with her to introduce me to some guests while I sighed and mouthed him thank you.

She indulged me in the boring conversations of that elders who had same character like my mother in law.

Finally the day came to fruition and we both bid our goodbyes to the guests and strided our way to our room with vihan on Adhvik's arm.

Adhvik has taken a room with double bed making me less worried now about sleeping 4 together.

He placed sleeping vihan next to Vrihanika while I went to change into something comfortable.

After we both were done with changing, I laid on the bed and sighed in relief. I was feeling sore in my breast as my husband of mine didn't leave any mercy.

He laid on his side and pulled me closer making me hit his hard built chest.

We both drifted into our dreamland in each other's embrace.

Next morning I was the one to wake up first as always. I looked at the clock ticking 6 o'clock. Today I have no work as today is reception.

I peeped through Adhvik's shoulder to see kids sleeping peacefully on each other's embrace.

I then tried to come out of his grip but he pulled me closer and snuggled more on to my neck.

"Sleep Adhya, today you don't have any work" he said in his morning voice.

My hands encircled around his neck and gave him quick peck on his lips while he pulled me more closer leaving no space for air to enter between us.

My hands massaged his scalp while he groaned in his sleep and snuggled more on to me.

OUR LOVEOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz