⚔️Chapter 4⚔️

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(Present day)
"Tumbler have we lost them?" Butterfly asked as she stopped,panting for air as she ran out of breath.
"Yeah,we're way underfire now." Tumbler said as he held Skybreaker in his arms.
"Is everyone alive and okay?" Butterfly asked as she looked around at everyone and took her amulet off and put it in her bag,other than Pyroflame everyone seemed to have made it out okay and alive.
"Where's Pyroflame?" A sparkling asked.
"I wanna go home.." another whined.
"Shh..shh..it's okay,it's okay." Butterfly said gently.
"Where will we go? The sanctuary is destroyed.." Tumbler asked.
"And the decepticon's may try and come back." One sparkling said.
"I don't know,but we'll find somewhere to go,I promise. Somewhere where the decepticon's won't find us,where we'll be safe." Butterfly stated.
"I might know somewhere." A voice said from close by,however when Butterfly looked around she couldn't see nobody.
"Spooky." Tumbler said before two seekers landed in front of them,one was dark blue and yellow with blue eyes,the other was pale orange and pink like a sunset with red eyes.
Butterfly's eyes widened when she saw them.
Dreadfire?..Quakestorm?.. Butterfly thought in pure shock.
"Hi random seekers,it's nice to meet you-EH PUT DOWN THE KNIFE!" Tumbler said trying to seem friendly before Dreadfire pointed a sword at his neck.
"Hey drop it. He's okay!" Butterfly snapped as Dreadfire put the sword back in his bag.
"Butterfly." Dreadfire said with a nod of respect.
"Dreadfire." Butterfly stated with the same nod of respect.
"Who's that?.." Tumbler whispered to Butterfly.
"My brother,Dreadfire and my other brother Quakestorm." Butterfly stated.
Tumbler tilted his head and then approached them.
"Hi Butterfly's brothers. It's nice to meet you even though you're terrifying." Tumbler said slowly as Dreadfire raised a eyebrow and Quakestorm giggled.
"Okay enough with the introduction nonsense,I have a offer I'm willing to make." Dreadfire stated as he showed the autobot symbol on his wing and the autobot symbol on Quakestorm's wing causing Butterfly's eyes to widen.
"What's that?" Tumbler asked.
"The autobot symbol." Butterfly stated.
"Oh." Tumbler said.
"Yeah it is,I'm the autobot air commander now." Dreadfire stated.
"Congratulations." Butterfly said with a neutral expression on her face causing Dreadfire to sigh.
"Look..I know dad raised us to hate the autobots but..there not as bad as they appear,they offered us safety and protection and a purpose." Dreadfire stated causing Butterfly to roll her eyes.
"Pyroflame gave us that too." Butterfly stated with a glare.
Dreadfire sighed.
"I know but..I can keep you safe too,and so can Quakestorm,we can be a family again." Dreadfire stated.
Butterfly growled at that.
"We were NEVER family Dreadfire!" Butterfly snapped at him causing Tumbler to look confused.
"Drama." Tumbler said as he took a leaf from a tree and began eating it making some of the sparklings gag.
"We weren't family,family don't abondon eachother when they need each other most,family don't avoid each other because of a tragedy! Family cares about each other! You don't!"  Butterfly snapped.
"Butterfly I.." Dreadfire said.
"No! Drop it! Drop. It." Butterfly snapped.
"I am on my own and that is FINAL!" Butterfly snapped.
"What about Megatron and the decepticon's? There going to find you and the sparklings and they'll stop at nothing." Dreadfire stated.
"They'll be fine I can protect them." Butterfly stated.
"What if you can't?" Dreadfire asked making Butterfly look down.
Dreadfire sighed.
Butterfly then shook her head.
"Come on,let's find a new place. I'm not staying with the bots who helped cause this war." Butterfly said as grabbed her amulet and put it back on,then got on Coalbell.
"Hi-ya!" Butterfly yelled as she and Coalbell zoomed off into the distance as Tumbler and the other bots followed them.
Dreadfire sighed as he looked over at Quakestorm.
"We have to go after them." Dreadfire stated.
"Why? She made her decision?" Quakestorm questioned.
"Because she's our sister,and I can't abondon her. Not again." Dreadfire said as he switched to his jet mode and flew above the trees,silently following Butterfly.
Quakestorm sighed.
"Damn it!" Quakestorm said as he switched to his jet mode and flew alongside his brother.

-End of chapter.

Arrows with Butterfly Wings -A TFP OC Fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now