🍂Chapter 5🍂

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(Present day)
"Butterfly..I think the sparklings are getting tired." Tumbler said as he walked beside butterfly and her horse.
"Do you think we have time to make a pitstop?" Tumbler asked.
Butterfly nodded as she hopped down from her horse and took her amulet off then without another word,motioned for Tumbler to get some wood for a fire.
Butterfly then sat down looking over at the cold and tired bots and sparklings before her.
It never should have come to this. Butterfly thought.
"Would you like me to go hunt for some food?" Butterfly asked them before they shook there heads.
Butterfly nodded.
"Alright then." Butterfly said as tumbler threw some wood down and Butterfly lit a campfire.
"Butterfly?" A sparkling asked.
"Yes Cranesong?" Butterfly asked.
"Can you tell me a story?" Cranesong asked.
"About what?" Butterfly asked.
"About you." Cranesong said.
Butterfly hesitated.
"Oh I'm not that interesting." Butterfly said with a laugh.
"Pleaseee?" Cranesong asked.
"Alright alright." Butterfly stated.
(~flashback nine years ago~)
Dreadwing flinched as he walked through the freezing cold winter blizzard.
He had to find Pyroflame!
He had to keep his sparkling's safe.
Dreadwing then looked down and saw that his sparkling's were shivering from the cold.
"Oh dear..it's okay..it's okay.." Dreadwing said as he took his cape off and wrapped it around his little ones.
Butterfly gave a small sneeze before she giggled.
Dreadwing smiled as well.
"You're so sweet,both you and you're brother's.." Dreadwing mumbled.
Dreadwing then kept looking hoping Pyroflame was close by.
🎵Baby mine..don't you cry..🎵 Dreadwing gently sung as he held his children close,despite the blaster wound in his chest.
🎵Baby mine..dry you're eye..rest you're head..close to my heart..never to part..baby of mine..🎵 Dreadwing sung before he saw Pyroflame approaching,he then hugged his children one last time.
🎵You three are so precious to me..cute as can be..🎵 Dreadwing sung as he kissed the three of them on the head as he handed them to Pyroflame.
"I'm proud of all of you,don't forget that." Dreadwing said as energon spilled from his mouth,and he couldn't stand no longer,he felt his spark light go out as he took a final breath and collapsed on the ground.
(~End of flashback~)
Butterfly took a shaky breath as tears came down from her eyes.
"Butterfly are you okay?.." Cranesong asked.
"I..I'm fine." Butterfly mumbled with a small forced smile.
I miss you father..more than you know. Butterfly thought.
"Come on guys time for bed it's past you're recharge time." Tumbler said as the sparklings groaned and complained as they headed to sleep and Tumbler gave them blankets.
Butterfly then laid down and closed her eyes,preparing for recharge when she heard her father's voice..
Butterfly? He asked.
Butterfly instantly stood up.
"Father?.." Butterfly asked.
Butterfly. His voice spoke again.
"Father!" Butterfly said as she began running towards the voice.
"Don't worry father! I'm coming! I'm coming-" Butterfly yelled before she suddenly stopped,seeing a decepticon warship.
"W-what?" Butterfly asked in confusion.
"Butterfly no!" Dreadfire yelled shoving her out of the way of the decepticon warship before it could spot her.
"What were you thinking!?" Dreadfire snapped as he shook her slightly.
"But..it..it was father! I heard his voice!" Butterfly stated,confusion showing in her voice.
I could have sworn it was.. Butterfly thought.
"It was a decepticon trick!" Dreadfire snapped.
"Don't ever do that again! Ever!" Dreadfire snapped.
Butterfly sighed as she shook her head.
I thought..I thought I had him back..it..I..why was I such a fool!? Butterfly thought.
"Wait..you were following me is that how you knew I was here?" Butterfly asked.
"Well I.." Dreadfire mumbled.
"I told you to leave me alone!" Butterfly snapped.
"Look I just saved you're life!" Dreadfire snapped.
"I didn't need you to." Butterfly argued.
"You would have been decepticon chow without me!" Dreadfire snapped.
"As if." Butterfly snapped.
"Look if you don't get over you're petty grudge we won't get anywhere!" Dreadfire snapped.
It's not petty! You don't- Butterfly thought before she saw Tumbler stand between her and her brother.
"Hey! Enough! She's upset." Tumbler said with a amount of bravery that surprised Butterfly slightly.
"Are you okay?" Tumbler asked.
"I..I'm fine." Butterfly said quickly shaking off her surprise.
"Thank you." Butterfly stated as she walked away.
"I was trying to help her." Dreadfire stated.
"Well you're doing it the wrong way." Tumbler said as he began to follow Butterfly.
"Then what is the right way?!" Dreadfire snapped.
"Damn it.." Dreadfire said as he facepalmed.
"Give up yet?" Quakestorm asked.
"No. Not yet. We got to keep trying. I won't lose anymore family." Dreadfire stated.

-End of chapter.

Arrows with Butterfly Wings -A TFP OC Fanfic. Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ