[ 010 ] - Impressive.

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Trigger Warnings for this chapter - underage drinking..


"Well, Nancy invited me and Steve said he didn't mind so I just assumed it was okay" Mikah told Jonathan as they drove towards Steve's house because Mikah was invited to a party, that in reality was just him and the four teenagers he met earlier that day.

"Just remember to hide your powers if you can and don't worry if you can't, just have fun" Jonathan advices as they arrived outside and spotted Barb and Nancy in the car in-front of them.

"Alright, thanks, Brother" Mikah laughs as he gets out the car and walks over to Nancy and Barb who are walking towards Steve's front door.

"Nancy, Barb" Mikah calls out to them making them stop and wave at him as he caught up to them.

"How's your hands?" Nancy asks looking down at the bandages around Mikah's palms.

Of course the Byers knew he could self heal but Mikah made sure he remembered to fake being hurt still so he came off as normal as everyone else.

"Well, I've got bandages but it doesn't hurt. So, better now?" Mikah says smiling up at them. "Just make sure you keep clean bandages on them, wouldn't want you getting an infection" Barb advices at Mikah who nods for a response before he presses the doorbell.

"Hello, Ladies. Enano." Steve says with a smug look on his face as he greets them at the doorway. "Asshole" Mikah greets back annoyed, making Steve chuckle as he lets the three of them inside where Tommy and Carol were already by the pool.

Mikah sits down in a deck chair on the left side of Barb who's grabbed a book to read- clearly not wanting to be at this party.

Nancy sat in the next one as she watched Steve grab a can out of the mini freezer thing as Carol and Tommy stood hugging each other right in-front of Mikah.

Mikah watched in amazement as Steve grabbed a switchblade, cut into the bottom of the can and drank it- chugging it down till it was empty.

"Wow" Mikah said as Barb gave him a kind smile while Carol and Tommy glared at him in disgust and confusion.

He watched as Steve sat in the deck chair next to Nancy after finishing that can. "Is that supposed to impress me?" Nancy asks Steve.

"You're not?" Steve asks as he grabs a lighter and moves the cigarette from his ear to his lip as Mikah watches in amazement still.

"I was impressed" Mikah says as the other teenagers looked at him.

RECKLESS | stranger thingsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin