The Epilogue

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And here is the epilogue......


It was a bright sunny morning and our power couple were sleeping in each other's arms after a long exhausting night filled with love. Due to sunrays penetrating the room and falling on the face, Sahiba's sleep got disturbed and she finally opened her eyes looking at the ceiling.

She then turned her head and found her husband sleeping soundly with his face half hidden in her hair. Looking at the peaceful sight her lips automatically curled up in a smile, she started to snuggle her head more into him displaying her affection.

She tried to move but couldn't do so as her body was cocooned in the pair of strong arms which held her firmly by her waist and stomach.

She then turned her eyeballs to look down and found herself covered in nothing but the silk sheet which was shared by her husband as a quilt.

Her eyes got closed and the crimson colour creeped on her cheeks with a smile on her lips as she blushed remembering their night endeavours.

It was the morning after the wedding and their wedding night. She removed the hands which were holding her and took a robe which was on the bed to cover her naked self. She then sat up wore it and looked at her love again.

His eyes closed, his lips parted, his lower half body covered with the quilt, his built chest and arms spread on the bed.

She bend down and softly kissed him on the lips.

Then she went off to take a long shower. Her chuda was making clinking sounds as she rubbed the body wash on her body.

She then came out after a long and relaxing bath, did some skincare, blow dried her hair and applied some kajal along with a nude pink lipstick.

She then took her red net saree which had backless blouse and went to wear it perfectly.

As she was setting the plaits of the saree, two pair of hands creeped up on her exposed waisted and a kiss was planted at her back.

She then quickly settled her saree and turned around to find her sleepy Angad who looked so handsome in his morning look.

He tugged her closer and caressed her hair on her face.

"Good morning wife." He whispered sensually and dipped his head in her neck inhaling her sweet scent which did wonders in arousing her desires.

"Good morning husband." She whispered back tried to control herself but it came out as a moan.

Angad just smirked at the effect he has on her which is quite amusing because it is nothing when compared to the effect she has on him.

She touched his shoulders with her palms and glided it on his chest, she then came closer but went towards his ear nibbling it a little and whispered lightly, "Go and get ready, I need to go downstairs. It is our first morning after marriage."

He held her more firmly showing his neglect towards her statement and went on to pepper some soft kisses on her open shoulder. She moaned but broke apart telling him to do what she said.

He pouted and then kissed her again running inside the bathroom.

Sahiba turned around and took out his outfit for the day and wrote a note saying,

"Hey love,

Sorry but I need to rush downstairs, it is my first rasoi ritual.

I have taken out your clothes so get ready and come downstairs as fast as you can.

Love you"

She pasted the sticky note on the mirror and went downstairs finding only Bebe and Manveer sitting on the couch with some medicines in their hands.

She panicked but when the ladies told that due to headache they wanted to take some painkillers. According to her mother-in-law everyone was exhausted due to long trail of rituals and were resting in their rooms.

But the ladies felt hungry so they asked the servants to prepare a light meal for them as it was only 9:30 a.m. and everyone slept around 3 a.m. last night.

Sahiba felt a little guilty for not waking up early but she was smacked on the head lovingly by Manveer who said that she was also tired and exhausted and they never expected her to wake up soon for preparing the breakfast.

Sahiba then kissed them both on their foreheads and went in the kitchen to complete the ritual. She tugged her saree on her waist band and started to prepare a delicious meal for the family.

Since the parathas were already made, she decided upon a simple meal like rava dosa and milk sooji halwa.

She prepared tea and then set the table so that the ladies could have good breakfast.

When she came out she saw the family members approaching the dining table and settling on their respective seats.

The Brar family shared a meal together as a family.

2 months later

It had been 2 months since Angad married Sahiba again and they were going great. They fought but then made up with some awesome anger sex, they shared every single moment with each other.

But they had a rule, that they will never keep a secret from each other despite of its consequences which made things smoother for them and established trust and loyalty in their relationship.

They fell in love with each other every day and were in awe of each other.

It was a Friday evening and Angad had previously suspected Sahiba being ill as she continuously had mood changes and she kept vomiting in the morning so he forcefully brought her to the hospital despite her nagging in the negative of the argument.

Sahiba thought that she is just experiencing a food poisoning and she would recover after some medications. It was no need for her to visit the hospital.

But her brute of a husband was adamant on his argument and here they are sitting inside the hospital again with the test results of some prescribed blood tests.

The doctor was examining the results with extreme concentration which actually scared Angad because he thought something is wrong.

Suddenly the doctor looked up with a light smile and said, "It is a good news Mr and Mrs Brar. She is healthily pregnant. It's a 14 weeks pregnancy."

To which both were stunned and then Angad whispered, "which means she was pregnant when we got married?"

Sahiba said, "Certainly so"

Angad just jumped up in happiness and kissed her head saying, "It is awesome news thank you so much doctor."

The couple then asked the important questions and the next steps they should take and did exactly what it was required.

Both of them then rushed home to tell the family of the great news and gathered the members in the living hall.

Daarji as usual sat on his chair patiently waiting for the news their grandchildren had.

Angad then said, "I am so happy to tell you all that Sahiba and I are soon to be parents. She is pregnant."

The house beamed with joy as they celebrated the upcoming new member of the family. Sahiba was gushed in loving arms of every family member and the couple was blessed with a lot of blessing for their future happiness.

That this was it!

Angad, Sahiba and their future baby!


Hey dear people,

The story has come to an end with a sweet epilogue as requested. I still am contemplating about the bonus chapters but soon the decisions will be announced.

Thank you so much for being in love with this couple and supporting them.

Signing off with lots of love!

The writer

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