The news of a vampire

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Hey. Wake up!" A voice shouted from across the room. Leo opened his eyes slowly, stretching his arms. Luna stood at the door her uniform pressed neatly against her skin, her eyes locked onto him.

"Get up and get ready, quickly we're going to be late."
Leo cursed at her under his breath as he hurried around gathering his uniform that was hidden all around the room just like a scavenger hunt. "Alright, alright I'm getting ready." He gasped his voice muffled as he pulled his jumper over his head.

"C'mon let's get going," Luna shouted over her back as she ran out the door into the ocean of people that filled the hall.

"Wait! where is she!" Leo screeched in his head, scrambling passed a wave of people trying to keep their distance from him. Fresh air hit his face as he reached the open door, he squinted shielding his eyes from the sun that sat steadily on the horizon, his vision become a blurry haze.

"Oh Leo, over here!" Luna panted as she ran over to him.

"Where were you?" She grumbled grabbing his hand, leading him towards rows and rows of different people.

"Come, are line is over here," she pointed to the first row where the most experienced soldiers would stand.

She felt embarrassed as she greeted him like he was a friend, but soon shook it out of her mind "he's a vampire you idiot, and a son of Lord Farrow for gods sake what we're you thinking?" She scolded herself as she lined up dragging him alongside her.

"Wait the first row! But that's only for high ranking or experienced soldiers." He spluttered. "How are you on the fir-" whispered Leo before he was cut off
"Shhh" hissed Luna "The commanders coming, now listen,"

As if it was magic, the commander bursted through a pair of wooden door that looked as if they were falling off their hinges.

"Now you scum bags, listen up," the commanders voice boomed over crowd of whispers and groans silencing them within seconds. "We have recruited a special person to are ranks."

He pointed towards Leo, who was sheepishly scratching his neck, as he stood behind Luna trying hide from him. "He is called Leo Farrow, second son and the third oldest child of lord Farrow."

The commander continued before being drowned out by the booing of soldiers from around the camp, some with disgust that they stooped so low to let a vampire into the camp, a royal vampire at that, while some booed out of pure fright.

After the booing got louder and louder the commander had enough, he reached for his belt that had lots of necessity's for fighting vampires, he whipped out a black revolver, it shined like puddles in he morning sun.

He rose it into the air the few lines of soldiers lucky enough to see the commander quieted down all looking onwards on what they knew was coming next.
Bang!! The guns blast echoed around the camp, the unsuspecting soldiers ducked at the sound looking around their cheeks starting to turn a girly shade of pink.

"Shud'p!" The commander screeched his anger boiling over, his body shaking with furry as his wrinkles melded to his snarling face, teeth beard, nose scrunched.
"Boy, come here." The commander glared at Leo.

"Me?" Leo asked sceptically pointing to himself even though he could feel the commanders eyes burning into him.
The commander nodded calmly, clearly his anger seemed to had simmered down.

Slowly Leo stepped forward leaving Lunas side. As he was just in reach of commander eyes grasp they grabbed hold of his chains, making Luna (who held the chains) stumble forward into the hard dirt a bruise starting to form on the side of her dirtied cheek.

The tug also brought Leo to his knees making his old cuts and scrapes reopen, his blood daring to shimmer down his leg. Leo winced as the commander dragged him passed rows and rows of soldiers, they sniggers as he passed them their eyes filled with hatred as they stared at the muck covered man. "See, not a threat at all," the commander grimmest at him them turned to look the crowd.

The crowd was silently judging if he was a enemy or not as the commander threw him to the ground multiple times yet the vampire was to weak to fight it. After a few moments the tension in the air was slowly being relieved as more and more people knew that this vampire was no harm to them.

The commander heaved Leo his feet and shoved him towards Luna, but 'accidentally' missed and Leo fell to the floor with a hard thud. Luna, without thinking, bent down to help him.

He grumbled as he scrambled to his feet his chains clanking against each other as he stood up straight wincing at the pain in his legs, the cuts and bruises now covered in dirt.

The commander returned to his original position at the front of the crowd, dusting off his uniform before addressing the crowns once again, "To day is the day we have the monthly practice battle-" but he was abruptly cut off as the lines of people immediately erupted in chatter as they wondered where and what the mock battle would be.

As the chatter continued a poor Leo, who had no idea what as going on, meekly whined "What is this Mock battle thing?"

He Turned towards Luna.

"Every month the commander does a mock battle, he says it to test your teamwork and communication but we all know it's to test are skills and who he needs to send out onto the front line or needs to be kicked out of the camp.

" She sighed quietly wiping a bead of sweat that dropped down her forehead, "Although," she smiled, noticeably cheering up, "If you make it into the top 5. We'll," she chuckled, "You get 'special treatment' in you get respect, power," Her eyes sparkled at the word 'power' a grin pursing her lips.

As the commotion died down the commander started to talk, once again, "You will be in pairs of 2, this mock battle will take place in the abandoned city of Aval, this time we have a twist but you will see when we get there, be the last one standing." the commander barked as he started to march towards the wooden doors, slightly ajar after his entrance before.

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