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Leo drew the gun to his waist and rushed towards Brooks who was trying to stand. He drank in the smell of blood and drool formed in his mouth. He tried to help Brooks by ripping a piece of his uniform from his top and wrapping it round Brooks injured shoulder.

"We're closing in," He heard Luna teammate boom down. Luna scowled and whispered "don't shout it, they could hear us. We can't let them get away,"

Leo panicked and picked up a rock the size of a small fist and threw it with all its might towards the other side of the skyscraper. The rock hit a huge metal pipe that echoed a hollow bang. Both Luna and her teammate scurried towards the sound, Leo and Brooks slowly hobbled away in the opposite direction into the deep darkness of the city.

After a few minutes of running away they hid behind a pile of rubble that some what resembled what looked like a small house. "Hey, what do we do now?" Leo asked Brooks shakily, his eyes filling with confusion.

Brooks grunted and squeezed his right shoulder "I don't know," Brooks looked at his watch "we have 30 minutes until times up, most people will probably want to kill you since well you are a vampire." Brooks voice quietens as he spoke. Brooks checked his watch again and saw a number staring at him.

"Wow, Luna and that guy we saw earlier eliminate more then half of the group! I can't believe we actually got away," Brooks smiled and looked up towards Leo who was looking into the distance his eyebrows furrowed down. "Brooks, if they used real weapons against us are the other people... Dead?"

"No! No, I honestly don't know why they used real weapons against us they are only suppose to be used in emergencies," Brooks mumbled thoughtfully looking towards the harmless laser gun beside him, his mumbling distracting him of his injured shoulder.

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