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My father was able to keep custody of me. Uncle Martin fought tooth and nail for me to stay. I really appreciate him for that.

Dad didn't seem to feel bad for anything. I've been wanting to go visit my mom but I can't enter without constant supervision after last time.

I tried begging uncle Martin to take me but Dad always shut it down.

I'd woken up around 9am today. I didn't see dad anywhere, so I went to Aunt Koki.

"Have you seen dad?"

"He said he went to go see your mother."

I immediately felt my heart shatter. "B-But.."

She seemed sad for me. "I know you wanted to go..."

"He could've woken me up." My voice cracked. I would've gladly woken up at any hour to go see my mama.

"I'm sorry Joey. Hopefully he brings you good news."

"As if." I spat. "He fucking hates me, I knew it! He pushed me away from my mother and he fucked it all up!"

"Joey, calm down. Take a deep breath."

"No! Fuck all of that! I'm sick of being pitied and told I can't do shit about it!"

Uncle Martin caught wind of my anger and walked over. Surely to defend his girlfriend from my untimely worded rage.

I felt two tight arms around me. He stroked my hair, rocking me gently.

The way mama used to.

I broke.

I just started sobbing into his arms. All I could see was the blue cloth I was being pressed against, absorbing my tears. "Let it out Joey." He looked at me lovingly. Why the fuck was he more of a father than his own damn brother?

"Why do you care about me?" I sniffled.

"Because it's not your fault. None of this is. Your father is his own mind. You shouldn't have to suffer because of his choices."

"But I am." I sobbed.

He took me in front of a mirror in his room, and pulled out a couple of photos. "This is your dad as a teenager."

I looked just like him.

"Somewhere down the line I messed up, I suppose. I know you've never met your grandparents from our side, but they always told me to keep an eye out for my little brother. After I heard what they had to say about your mother's unexpected pregnancy, I took it upon myself to keep an eye out for you too. I wish I knew where I messed up that your father became a serial cheater and an awful guy."

"I came along, and Mom couldn't give him what he wanted."

"That may be so, but I thought I'd raised him better."

"You have his old heart. You're sweet, loving, you're him."

"But I ruined it."

"No, joey. You didn't. The decisions he makes are out of your control."

"Dad... Hit her a couple times."

"You don't think I don't know what he'd do to your mother? I told you, your mom is like my little sister too. She doesn't deserve any of this either. I told her to run years ago but he had her wrapped around his finger."

"This could've been prevented?"

"Lots of things can be prevented, but if we didn't know they were going to happen, could we?"

I remained quiet.

"She confided in me various times how unsafe she felt with him, and frankly I'm at fault too. I should've put him in his place. But your mother stopped me. She loves him, Joey. She was blindly in love with the man who gave her attention when she most needed it."

"Why don't either of my grandparents want me around?"

"I don't know about your mom's parents, but ours... I honestly hope it's just because you were conceived before marriage. Before a relationship, really."

"Mom looked so happy when she married him."

"Why wouldn't she be? She's marrying a guy she truly believed loved her back, carrying his baby. The fruit of their love."

"Lust." I muttered.

"Maybe." He admitted.

"Will you take me to see my mother?"



When we finally got through security, I saw Dad chatting with the doctor. I pretended to ignore his presence and stared at the TV in their separate waiting room while Uncle Martin got the okay to see her.

"How'd you get that?"

"I'm the doctor, I made up some bullshit excuse to grab the muscle relaxers." He whispered, chuckling.

"They didn't suspect a thing?"

"Nope. The nurses know I have the last word, so they wouldn't interfere."

"I need to get some of those..."

"I can prescribe her some before she leaves."


For him or for...

"You've done this to other patients before?"

"Yeah, of course." He smirked. "I just never had gotten the okay from the husband." He grinned.

"It's much easier now that the bandages are starting to come off."

"Oh for sure." Dad chuckled. "I don't know, I find it hot seeing her helpless gaze."

"Yes, most that remember my face are too scared to do shit." The doctor chuckled. "There's something fun about rebreaking their hymen."

"Yes." He laughed.

Fucking assholes.

"Joey, come on." I heard my uncle call out.

"Shit." I heard them mumble upon hearing my name. I followed uncle Martin to the room, followed by the doctor and dad.

"I'm sorry if she's a little sleepy, she was a little frantic with that tube still in her, so we had to sedate her."

Dad nodded. "It's painful to see."

Fucking asshole, no you didn't.

You raped her, you both did. You enjoyed her all while she was helpless and unable to fight. Mom's eyes were practically the only thing moving. She probably didn't need intubation anymore and those bastards were keeping her like this to have their fun. Uncle Martin seemed to believe their bullshit lies.

I stroked mom's hair. It was getting a little messy. I started brushing it with my hands again, gently unknotting it as the men spoke over what would be happening. She looked up at me. She looked tired. Her eyes once full of life looked so dull. She looked sick. She was begging me to die. I knew damn well she had the capability to understand this. She didn't hurt her brain. I think.

How could the world's best inventor and scientist end up like this?

Falling in love was what poisoned her. I know they wanted to keep her like this, like a literal sex toy.

But no one was going to hear me, were they?

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