Shoko said and the girls had a good laugh about it

Both of their boyfriends just rolled their eyes and said at the same time

"Over my dead body!"

With that they looked back at Sakura and Gojo, now looking even more close, she was pinching his cheeks, one of her fingers on his lips as his fingers dragged themselves through the skin of her hips

It really gave Kakashi and Obito the ick. This was disgusting to them. So much so that they wanted to puke

It was like catching your sister and close friend in an intimate position

"Does she not understand she's traumatizing us, bakashi?"

Obito asked with a shiver of disgust

Now they almost sighed when they heard the music was about to stop


Because Sakura decided they weren't traumatized enough to her liking

Because when when they heard Gojo laugh, they were left astonished when she brought her face closer to his and gave him a kiss on the lips

It was like time froze. Everything happened in slow motion. They heard nothing except Shoko and Rin's gasp . All they could see is how Sakura willingly kissed their kohai

There were a few gasps from the crowd of people too

They froze on their spot, unable to move, hear and even breath

The other students sat up in shock. Looking at each other with a look of surprise

When their lips separated, Gojo finally put Sakura down, gently

As the music was now off for a few minutes, they could really hear what they were saying

"You okay, Miss?"

He asked, looking down at her legs

"Yeah but I think my laces got messed up"

He chuckled, getting on his knees and tying the shoe laces

"I still don't understand how you girls can wear these and walk so comfortably. Doesn't it hurts "

"It does but they look so good. Plus there are just some tall guys like you, like giraffes you know? That's a nother very good reason "

He chuckled, still holding their hands as they made their way towards the others

They now looked like some old buddies. Holding each other's hands, laughing, her shoving his shoulder

When she reached them, they came and sat down right away

Sakura noticed their moods. How everything was quite tense. So she looked at Gojo and asked

"Gojo-san, if you don't mind, can you please get me a glass of champagne?"

He smiled and got up to get it

"What. The. Fuckin. Name. Of. Kami. Was that?"

Kakashi asked, his eyes closed, teeth gritted and fists clenched

She gave him a look


"You fucking kissed him on the lips"


Now he just stared at her in disbelief

"So? So? What do you mean so Sakura? You just met him once or twice. He's ten years your senior, you soon to be teacher. My kohai what do you mean so? You see no problem with this?"

The Blossom Sorcerer [ Naruto x Jujutsu kaisen ]Where stories live. Discover now