chapter 11

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Three year later

Sakura is ten years old now

Sakura sat with Minato in his office room

In the past year, she'd gotten very close with Minato and Kushina. They were like a set of second parents to her and they were her god parents

She loved being around them. They were always so kind and generous towards her. Yet, it took her time to

Kushina always brought her so many cute clothes and played dress up with her. They even learned to cook together. They baked cookies every month, they had girl days with her mom, they went to aquariums, karaoke and amusement parks together

Minato helped her train with her dad. He also enrolled her in many programs like learning different languages other than japanese. She learned Spanish and french and he paid for it all even after her parents said he didn't need to

He took her to her dance classes and was there with all of her performances with her parents. He treated her like his own daughter

Although Sakura was grateful, sometimes it just didn't feel right

Sometimes, Sakura felt guilty. It sometimes felt like she was getting the love Naruto deserved. Like she's taking it away from him

Which was absolutely observed. She knows that, but you can't help how you feel, right?

Anyways, back to the present

Watching Minato work was something she loved to do. It was calming, it made her feel calm seeing how calm a person could be through Minato

So that's what she was doing now

Although he looked so much like Naruto, he wasn't near as loud as the crazy knucklehead ninja

On the contrary, Minato was calm and collected. He was wise, intelligent and intellectual. His kind smile could make anyone fell in love with him in no time

He treated everyone well and was polite. He was basically the definition of perfection

She'd never seen a man as perfect as Minato and her father

Sometimes, he remained her of Hinata

She quietly giggled and stared at him

And he was a treat to stare at. His face was just that pretty. Sakura always tells Kushina how lucky she is to get a husband like Minato

Thinking all these, she giggled again

Minato noticed her cute giggles and put his pen down. He was already done with the work anyways

"What is my little blossom thinking and smiling like that huh?"

Sakura's giggles got louder

"Well, I was thinking the first time when I told Mama Kushina you were handsome and how she reacted"

She said with a Cheshire cat like grin

Minato raised an eyebrow at her suggestively, kinda amused with the situation

"Is that so? I didn't know blossom-chan found me handsome. But I am glad to know that anyways. But what was her response anyways?"

Minato asked curiously

Sakura's grin turned into a smirk

"Well she said, you're the one who's lucky to have her. Because you were crazy after her. Also, she accused me that I was favoring you over her and was pouting the whole day like a cute mad chipmunk "

The Blossom Sorcerer [ Naruto x Jujutsu kaisen ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora