chapter 9

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After the conversation, Sakura and Kayomi went back to the kitchen

They started to do the work even faster as they were late. The guests were about to arrive any moment now

Soon there was a knock on the door

Kayomi's eyes widened, she still wasn't ready. Sakura noticed this and told her

"Mama, you can go get ready. I'll get the door"

Before even giving Kayomi a chance to speak, Sakura rushed to open the door the door

"Wait, I'm coming"

She yelled from the hallway. Their house was quite big and it took time for her to run in her little feet

She quickly went and soon opened the door

"Who is -

Before she could finish her sentence, her voice died down

In the door, there stood a man and a woman. Probably a couple, she thought

But that's not what made Sakura's breath hitch

It was the man who did. He had blonde hair, and the most beautiful ocean blue eyes. His spiked up hair but he looked so much like one of her boys

Yes, he looked like her Naruto

He was smiling kindly at her

The woman beside him looked really excited as she stared at Sakura with stars in her eyes

The woman had long red hair and kind purple eyes. But what was most evident to Sakura was her grin

Her grin suspiciously looked a lot like Naruto's grin too

They were still smiling at Sakura

And for some reason, Sakura felt like she knew this man. He looked familiar, like she'd met him before

Soon Sakura came out of her daze and returned their smiles

"Hello, how may I help you?"

She watched how their smiles widened

The man was about to say something but from the inside of the house, Kayomi came out. Ready in her dress she fixed to wear

She saw the two people in the door and smiled at them

"Minato, Kushina, I am glad you could make it. Please come on in"

She joyfully exclaimed

She came closer and picked up Sakura

"Little blossom, these are the special guests we were talking about"

She told her daughter as the two new people came in the room

"Thank you for inviting us, Kayomi"

The man said with a kind smile

"Yeah, thanks. And you were right, Kayomi-chan! She looks exactly like you, dattebane!"

The woman said in an overly happy voice

Sakura froze when she heard that. The thing she said at last, "dattebane ". It shook Sakura to the core

The grin of this woman and dattebane, the man's sky blue eyes and blonde hair

It all fell together and something clicked in Sakura's mind. She finally remembered where she'd seen this man

Her eyes went wide like soucers

"Yeah, you're right. She looks -

Kayomi started but couldn't finish as Sakura said

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