Boo School

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The students all stood up as the bell rang signaling them to go to their next class. Geia made her way to the gym across the school, barely making it before the tardy bell rang. She walks across the gym floor and sees Arachne Universe the most sought-after girl in school and her squad of cheerleaders warming up. Once class starts The teacher announces that they are going to be playing dodgeball.

Geia races to the middle of the gym to get a ball, the teams are random so she decides to work mostly alone until her 'team' needs her. Foam balls flew through the air as she dodged passed them, blocking, and returning the foam balls with expertise. 'Working out really does help, these guys suck.' She thought to herself as she caught another ball. She soon realized that the ball she caught was the head cheerleader and, the rest of her squad was now laser-focused on knocking her out.

Geia is barraged with foam balls she is sparsely able to keep up, soon enough the cheerleaders run out of balls to throw. She raced around the room and pelted the enemy using her 'teammates' as cover. Eventually, there was only one person left on each side the recently revived head cheerleader Arachne Universe, and, the unstoppable force that is Geia Noble. The two hadn't interacted much before this but at this very moment they were rivals and the other one had to go. They threw projectiles as fast as they could all four of their arms working overtime to keep up with the other. Both of them stood in standoffish positions waiting for the other to do something.

Geia threw a ball and her hand 'slipped' sending an easily catchable high arc ball across the gym, she was doomed just as her opponent reached for the ball however Geia threw a blazing fastball directly into her midsection ending the game.

"Good game!" Geia shouts across the gym.

"Don't celebrate, you got lucky," Arachne yelled back which spread a smirk of satisfaction across Geia's face. Mrs. Carter blew her whistle leading everyone to start cleaning up other than Geia as that was her prize for winning. Geia took a relaxing shower and waited for the bell to ring for her next class. Almost as if on cue the bell rang and she walked out of the gym. She felt someone close behind her so she turned around, and as she did the head cheerleader pushed past her muttering something under her breath.

"Wanna say that a little louder?" Geia shouted down the hallway but Arachne kept walking.

 Geia rolled her eyes as she walked into Math and slumped into her seat. The teacher handed out their work for the day. The only thing that Geia liked about this class was that it was very independent and the teacher was almost always available to help, but there was a girl who would always send daggers her way. Every time she finished first the girl stared daggers into Geia's soul as if asserting dominance and Geia hated it, so she returned the favor glaring at the girl every time she finished her work first. They had a silent rivalry for the last couple of years, but Geia still didn't find it necessary to learn anything about her.

Today Geia finished first and did her usual angry stare and the girl did her usual turn away which struck Geia as anger rather than what it was embarrassment. Geia returned to her seat and pulled out her phone to wait out the rest of class.

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