Chapter 14 | Too many compliments for little ol' me.

Start from the beginning

I only knew about this after I heard him humming and mouthing the lyrics to "Billie Jean" by Micheal Jackson.

Which is another favorite of mine.

God, is there something this guy is not good at?

"Muffin you have a beautiful, beautiful voice," Jacob says and I send him a grateful smile through the rearview mirror.

"Thanks, man," Matt says sarcastically and turns his head to see Jacob giving him a cheeky grin.

"Matt, let muffin have this moment...I don't want to inflate your ego bigger than it already is " Jacob winks and we all chuckle.

"I DO NOT have a big ego. In fact, I'm the most humble person you'd ever meet"

Nathan playfully scoffs from the backseat and says; "You sure about that? You remember what happened yesterday?"

"It's not my fault that Jared was being a huge pain in the ass. What's his problem?"

A couple of days back, Matt had met with the basketball coach after Jacob and Nathan's insistence to join the team. After the trial, Coach Noah was impressed with Matt and urged him to join the team.

He was really excited that day.

But the others on the team, especially Jared, did not like the sudden change of plans, and let's just say Matt gave him a piece of his mind.

I wasn't there to see it but apparently it was pretty entertaining.

"I think it's smart that Coach Noah decided to kick Jared and Stephan out of the team. They were such egomaniacs who only wore the jersey to get down and dirty." Sam says causing Nathan to choke on the water he was drinking.

"You okay?" Sam asks as she awkwardly pats Nathan's shoulder and he just gives a weak thumbs up.

"Who's the replacement for Stephan?" Anne asks Jacob.

"No one yet, but people are coming in today to try out," Jacob says.

"Kay, everybody gets your asses out" I announce as I park the car.

"Kay, everybody gets your asses out" I announce as I park the car

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Do you know what the best thing about a Tuesday is?

An 8:00 morning class of English Lit.

But do you know what's the best part of English Lit. is?

The teacher? Hell no

The interest in the subject? Nah

Understanding the hidden symbolism in "The Catcher of the Rye"? Try again.

Passing notes with your goofy friends?Yes, yes and yes.

That's exactly what we are doing right now.

Tuesdays and Fridays are one of the rare and precious days where all six of us share the same class.

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