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                             Tom's pov


I lay half asleep with my head on the table of my homeroom class. I haven't gotten much sleep lately. I turn my head over and see the empty desk of my girlfriend. Wait nevermind... Im not allowed to call her that anymore. My ex girlfriend. Ew... I hate saying that. It feels so wrong. Everything feels wrong. Yet i have no one to blame but myself. Its been two weeks since the fight. She hasn't been to school at all since then.

I so desperately wanted to talk to her to at least try and explain myself, But she blocked my number. I even tried to text her on my old phone with my old number and I just got left on delivered. I remember the first day of this school year when we met up really early before school to compare our schedules, just to find out we only had homeroom together. We were both so upset but we tried to make the best of it.

Every class after that was torture. I only have bill in my last two classes and since Gustav is a senior and Georg isn't even in school anymore, I'm basically alone all day. So I was just alone suffering in my thoughts until I at least had my twin to distract me from everything. Bill could definitely tell something was up. He knew that Me and Kat had broken up but he didn't know all the details.

"Tom are you okay?"
He looked at me with concern.
"Um... have you heard from kat at all?"
"Dude she's really upset. You need to give her space. You're pushing it big time. She literally told me to tell you to stop texting her from your old phone number."
I stared down at my baren and poorly scribbled out notes that laid on my desk.

He put his hand on my shoulder trying to be reassuring.
"I promise it will get better. You just need to give it time."
"I hope so."
He smiled at me, attempting to lighten the mood. I didn't have the energy to smile back. Bill started talking to me about random stuff to distract me. I was only halfway listening to him though. I was lost in thought.

My thoughts were abruptly cut off by the school bell ringing. I quickly snapped out of my trance and put my stuff in my bag, following bill out into the hallway. He had some stupid club after school today. So we said our goodbyes before I started to walk away.
"Tom wait"
I turn around in confusion.
"Don't be to hard on yourself."
I forced a half smile and nodded before walking away.

My parents were working late so I had to ride my skateboard home. I left the school and started riding my skateboard while listening to some music through my headphones. This was probably the calmest I had been all day. I was content in my own world. So much so that I completely forgot that my route home goes straight past Kat's house. But by the time I saw the familiar painted mailbox and realized I was already right in-front of it.

I Held my breath like she would hear me outside just from my breathing. I stared at the house for a moment. Kat's curtains were closed. Her car was in the driveway but her parents weren't home. Her sister didn't appear to be home either. I noticed that the garden stepping stones we painted together weren't in the front yard anymore. That made me sad to think about. I quickly decided to leave before anyone noticed I was here.

I just walked the rest of the way home while holding my skateboard by the truck. The rest of the way home was solemn. It was quiet and sad, basically no one was on the road. I may only be seventeen, and I don't know shit, but I know when I've screwed up. All I want to do is make it up to her. Meine Leibe. Because I miss her so fucking much.


A/N: FIRST CHAPTER DONE WOOHOO!!!!!! (Sorry it's short 😭)

A girl named Katrina. -Tom Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now