Meiko put her hands together and didn't even bother with speaking. She transformed into a perfect replica of Iruka right there with no smoke. Then she transformed and grinned at Ino. "Beat that, Yamanaka."

Meiko then walked back to her seat with a cocky smirk on her face, ignoring the shock on nearly everybody's faces.

Tomorrow was the Genin test, to see if the students could move on to become genin, obviously. Meiko was excited about that.


Tomorrow came quickly, and Meiko awoke early as usual. She did her normal morning routine of exercises, checking her resistance seals, cleaning her teeth, brushing her hair, changing, making breakfast, and then leaving her house.

She shunshinned to the Academy, making sure to stay hidden. She walked slowly, thinking over how far she had come.

After Shisui's death, and her short depression, Meiko had thrown herself into training a lot more.

She missed Shisui a lot but put all her effort into making him and her parents proud. She had mastered fuinjutsu at age 6 and that was when she had gotten clones to draw resistance seals on her (her own make of the strength and speed resistance seals). By now, she was on resistance seal level 12 and she had completed 3 levels of her dad's simulator.

For taijutsu, Meiko had perfected the Uchiha style and her father's style. When she and Shisui had started making her style—which they completed over the course of a year and a half, then she mastered it—Meiko had had no idea what to call it, until she decided on the name Lightning Strike. Shisui had said it was a great name for how fast and agile the style was. Her style was focused on fluidity and speed, rather than strength. It was fluid and deadly.

She had also found that she did have sensory capabilities. Her sensory abilities had been perfected over the course of six years. She had help from Jiji, whose sensei, the Second, was said to be the greatest sensor of his time. He had graciously allowed her to study his sensei's scrolls on sensing. The more Meiko read, and she was positive the Second was a genius. He had developed his own sensing techniques, which Meiko had eagerly learnt. Meiko could now accurately sense chakra to the point that she could identify nature affinities if she concentrated hard enough.

Her Ninjutsu had progressed far as well. Her chakra control and reserves only increased over time and she made sure she had enough jutsu in her arsenal of all three of her affinities. She had also created a way of copying jutsu from others. Whenever she would watch someone perform a jutsu, she would immediately hone in on the chakra in that person's body, sensing how it was being moulded. Her eidetic memory combined with her now perfect sensory abilities ensured she could copy hand seals.

Since Meiko had a high water affinity, she had also begged Hiruzen to allow her to use the Second's library. At first, he'd been outraged, but Meiko reasoned that she had the ability to make use of them. Besides, the Nidaime had no use for them now since he was dead. Hiruzen had made her swear to not tell anyone.

She still sucked at Genjutsu. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't perform a single one. But thanks to her sensory abilities, she could easily break out of one.

For kenjutsu, Meiko hadn't yet fully mastered the katana but she was close. When she and Shisui made a way for her to use the katana in her Lightning Strike style, they had both been very happy. Meiko also worked on her dual kunai work. She managed to coat the kunai in wind chakra to make them sharper and more effective.

But the truly greatest jutsu she had learnt was the Flying Thunder God technique.

The theory of it was harder than the actual making of her own Hiraishin seal. She had to admit that it was incredibly complex.

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