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Ch. 6

Time skip

Nico's POV

Over the past few weeks' things have been getting a little better with Ashton. He stopped kicking my chair in the first period and stopped trying to trip me during passing, but he does do it Infront of his friends. Mr. Holland announced the annual trip last week and told us to get prepared if we wanted to go. This year we are visiting Paris, France which I am so excited about. Daisy and I were both going so we were praying we'd get the same hotel.

"I'm so excited to go!!" she said squealing.

"Daisy it's not until another few weeks." I said laughing.

"I don't care, it's going to be so fun!!" she said.

I laughed and continued to walk with her until the bang rang signaling for us to go to fifth period. I waved her goodbye and we parted ways. In the fifth period most people were already there waiting for the teacher.

I sat at my desk and drew to pass some time. I didn't even notice Ashton sit down.

"Stop drawing the teachers coming," he said looking at the door.

I turned to him and to the door and saw Mr. Holland about to enter. I quickly put away my sketchbook and quietly thanked him.

"Good morning class! In today's lesson I will give a brief overview, then your assignment is to answer the questions in the textbook." he said as he went over the topic.

After he finished, I got a textbook and started answering the questions. Most of these were pretty easy so I finished a little faster than everyone else. I was about to go up and turn in my work until Ashton stopped me.

"Nico, can you help me with this?" He asked while looking confused.

Ashton's POV

I asked Nico for help and surprisingly he agreed. To be honest I didn't know how to answer most of these questions because I wasn't really paying attention to the lesson.

"So, what do you need help with?" he asked, sitting back down and looking at my textbook.

"Everything..." I said, chuckling a bit.

"Did you not pay attention during the lesson...?" he asked, looking a little shocked.

I shook my head laughing a bit.

"Come on, you said, we're are you friends? Can you help me please?" I said, laughing a bit. I actually needed help really badly. I can't fail another class.

"Since when did I say that?" he said scrunching his brows.

"Yesterday, when Max asked who I was and you said I was your friend," I said, watching him realize.

"Fine" he sighed and started helping me.

Nico's POV

We spent the entire period working together. Surprisingly he was actually kind to me and didn't try to insult me once which was a shocker.

"Alright class, how many people are not done?" Mr. Holland asked.

About ten people including Ashton raised their hands

"Alright, I'll extend the due date to tomorrow. You may take a picture of the questions to answer them at home." he said.

Just then the bell rang signaling everyone to leave. I was packing up and about to leave until Ashton's friend knocked over my water bottle spilling water all over my sketches.

"Oops," he said, laughing with his friends.

"Come on Ashton lets go" Terry said dragging him along.

Ashton got up and acted as if we weren't just talking with each other. I sighed and went to get some tissues to clean up the mess. Ashton looked back at me for a split second then went back to laughing with his friends. After cleaning up the mess I quickly went to my last period for the day. After school Daisy wanted to go to the bakery to hang out with Hazel.

"Hey Daisy and Nico!" hazel said waving at us behind the counter.

"Hazel!!" Daisy said, running towards her and hugging her.

"Haha hey daisy" she said, hugging her back.

"Hazel, you can clock out now," I said, putting on my apron.

"Okay, are you going to stay Daisy?" she asked.

Daisy nodded "yeah I'm going to keep Nico some company while I do my homework."

"Alright bye Nico bye daisy!" she said, waving as she went to her car.

We both waved back.

"Daisy, are you sure you want to stay? I have to be in the back for a while to decorate." I was unsure whether she wanted to stay or not.

"Yeah, of course I want to stay! I'm just going to be in the coroner while you do your work and after we can go out to the park." she said walking towards a secluded corner.

"Okay I'll tell you when I'm done" I said heading to the back.

Ms. Gomez wanted me to decorate a few cupcakes and a cake for another birthday. The design the customer wanted was very intricate and detailed. The swirls, pearls, and roses the design had been pretty hard to replicate, but I made it happen. After an hour or so I finished the cake and went to the cupcakes. Thankfully they were simpler with plain white frosting with some being pink and having roses. Around 5 I finished work and clocked out and headed to the park with Daisy.

"The sunset is really pretty," I said looking at it.

"Mhm '' Daisy said while eating the muffin I brought for her from the bakery.

At the park we talked about anything school, crushes (only her I mostly listened), family life etc. Somehow, we started talking about Ashton and how his behavior has changed.

"I think he's trying to pull something..." she said after I explained to her his 360° behavior change.

"I don't know, I mean I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, you know?" I shrugged.

She shrugged "don't keep your guard down though."

"Okay" I said, laughing a bit.

After a few more minutes I decided to go back home.

"Bye Nico!" she said as she pulled away in her car.

I waved back and went onto my bike to ride home while listening to music of course.

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