killer app

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We all get out of the plain unharmed. We walked around Midway City and everything was a mess, from car's turned upside down to fire here and there. The place was a ghost town.

As we were all walking I see El Diablo looking at my tattoos again. "Do you have a staring problem?" I ask him looking straight ahead. "Oh sorry I...I'm not used to seeing someone else who has as many tattoos as me." He said "yeah wel-" I was cut off by the sound of captain boomerang and Slipknot trying to escape next thing you know BOOM. Just like that Slipknot's head gone.

I chuckled slightly and walked right past it. "Now that's a killer app" Harley says.flag started to talk "are you next Diablo?" "Na you trippin homie." Diablo said. "How about you deadshot?"

"Did this man just threaten me?" Deadshot asked. "How about you?" Flag turned to me "since your laughing, you think you could survi-" he stopped mid- sentence seeing the hard glare I was giving him. He cleared his lounges "let's move."

Meanwhile I was up ahead while the others were planning to escape. El Diablo was still looking at me but I didn't notice just then Harley came up to him "ohh~ someone's in love~" she teased. "What no I'm not" Diablo denied. "Sure you're not" she said and walked away.

Just then flag spots hostiles up ahead. "What the hell are those?" Harley asked the things where shaped like humans but were made up of black goo and rock. Suddenly they all began screeching and run towards them. "Fire!" flag shouted everyone stated attacking the things.

I took out my sword and started to stab and cut the things in half. I noticed that El Diablo wasn't fighting and was about to get killed from behind, I took out one of my Kunai's from my boots and throw it at it just in time. I ran up to him, "watch your back Diablo" I gave him one of my Kunai's and ran off to kill more of the things.

After the battle El Diablo came up to me  "Thanks for watching my back." He said as he tries to give me back my Kunai "keep it to protect your self and Diablo don't be scared of the thought of hurting someone else with your power think of protecting them instead." I tell him without looking at him. He looks up at me in shock as I walked away.

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