Task force x pt.2

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The next day 20 guards came to my cell and dragged me out, there was no point to put up a fight so I let them take me to a chair and strap me down to it. I noticed that some other people were in a line getting some type of injection.

Harley was first. "What is that? Who are you?" She asked, the people around her ignored her. "Standby, arming device." The women said "who are you? I don't know who you are. Hey hey I'm talking to you hey I'm talking to you!" She yelled as she got her injection.

Deadshot was next "Anyone who touches me is dead." He threatened "anybody who touches." He yelled in pain. "Hey hey! Miss what was that?" He asked but got ignored "oh oh you deaf you one of those deaf hoes."

After everyone got injected they got rolled to where the plane was. Once they were there the chair unlocked. Everyone stands up to stretch. "Hi boys!" Harley said, "Harley Quinn nice to meet c'ha! Huh? What what was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry, the it's the voices. I'm kidding geez that's not what they really said."

"Welcome to the party captain boomerang." Flag said as he unzipped a bag. "And here comes Slipknot. Alright listen up! In your necks the injection you got is a explosion it's the size of a rice grain but very powerful you disobey me you die. You try to escape you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me you die.

Harley raised her hand " I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just warning you." Flag signed "lady shut up! This is the deal, you're going somewhere bad to do something that will get you killed.

"So is that like a pep talk?" Deadshot asked flag. "Yeah, that was a pep talk." Flag said. "There's your shit grab what you need for a fight were leaving I ten."
"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing you ever heard of Phil Jackson? He's like the gold standard okay triangle bitch, study."

When they were done arguing I started talking off my prison jumpsuit and looked though my create for my outfit, I felt someone's eyes on me I looked up to see El Diablo looking at my tattoos. When we made eye contact he looked down quickly.

I finally found my outfit and my weapons.

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"Won't fit anymore, too much junk in the trunk?" Harley asked deadshot

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"Won't fit anymore, too much junk in the trunk?" Harley asked deadshot. "Nah. Every time I put this on somebody dies." He said, "and?" She questioned, "I like putting it on." He admits. "Goody something tells me a whole lotta people are about to die." El Diablo cut into the conversation "yeah it's us we're being led to our deaths."

"Speak for yourself mate, hay what's that crap on you face does it wash off?" Captain boomerang said. "Hey if you like a girl can you light her cigarette with your pinky? Because that would be real classy." Harley Quinn asked.

"Hay you might wanna leave him alone he could light up this whole joint ain't that right ese?" El Diablo shook his head "you ain't gotta worry about me I'm cool."

Deadshot came up to me as I was spinning my javelin around. "Hay your pretty good with that I'm deadshot but you can call me Floyd." With an emotionless tone I said "Jasmine, you can call me jazzy or jazz I don't care witch one."

(Before you ask "why does she have so many weapons" she doesn't like using her power's that's all, you'll figure out why eventually 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

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