ZoSan Having Kids

Start from the beginning

Zoro did not know what to do but as he remembered what Sanji said the other day, he was immediately driven by his resolve.

Averting his eyes from the lovely husband displayed for him, he went straight to the bathroom and took a cold shower. Sanji warned him yesterday that if he take make a move on him for a few days, he'll be sleeping outside their room. Of course who would like that to happen. Well, it was his fault that he got that warning in the first place. He wasn't listening to the blond when exhausted him the other night.

Blond's fault. He was sexy and that's a fact!

When he finished showering, he only wore his boxers and went straight to bed. And close his eyes not even sparing the blond a glance.

Sanji moved and lifted Zoro's right arm to make it his pillow. Zoro opened his eyes and saw that his blond is staring at him. Sanji's finger making circles on his chest.

Sanji: "Zoro, I want milk."

Milk? I can give him that. That's so easy!

Zoro nonchalantly shove his husband off (with gentleness of course) and rose to his feet.

Sanji was confused but let the Marimo do his work anyway. He did not pay anymore attention when Zoro left their room.

Sanji was taking his top off when Zoro entered their room and handed him Saro's chocomilk.

Zoro: "Here's your milk."

Sanji's face was hidden by the shadow of his fringes, which Zoro did not see or notice.

Sanji: .....

Zoro: "Cook—"

He was cut off his words when Sanji threw him out of their room (literally threw him) and shut the door in front of his face.

Zoro was confused and couldn't find the words to say. What did he do this time????

His face light up when the door of their room open but for the sole reason of Sanji throwing the chocomilk at him, which hit his forehead and shut the door close again.

Zoro: "Wha—how...what??? Sanji."

Sanji: "Stupid Marimo, shut up if you don't want the kids to wake up!"

Zoro: "Why am I out? What did I do?"

Sanji: ....

Zoro: "Was it the milk?"

Sanji opened the door. Zoro was taken aback when he saw the blond glaring at him.

Sanji: "You sleep outtta here for a week."

He was left there, gaping.

He didn't even touched the blond and he faced the warning he got yesterday?

Saro went out to pee when he saw his father in front of the door of the master's bedroom. Rubbing his eyes, he asked his father.

Saro: "Dad, why aren't you getting inside?"

Zoro bent down to scope the chibi and walk to the living room to sit.

Zoro: "Your Papa accidentally locked himself out the room, Saro."

Saro: "You won't call Mama?"

Zoro: *shaking his head* "No, Mama was tired and already fallen asleep. Papa doesn't want to wake him up."

Saro: *yawning* "Then Papa can sleep in Saro and Aori's room."

Zoro: "I'll take that offer for now, Son. Thank you very much."

He then kiss Saro on the cheek.

Saro: "Welcome...but Saro needs to pee now."

Zoro, chuckling at the chibi's sleepiness, carried Saro to the bathroom in the kitchen.


Good thing he has this angel to spare him the cold night alone in the living room.

End :⁠-⁠)

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