Chapter 4- A little back story

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~Y/n's POV~

My eyes flutter open as I slowly wake up and I quickly get ready for the day. I look over the brochures reading the information about the secretary job.

This job was actually somewhat close to what I did on earth, I wanted to avoid my past life as much as possible. But what other options did I have? I would have to submit a resume soon if I wanted  get interviewed. Well, better get to work asap! I make my way to the main lobby downstairs and I 'm greeted by an overly excited Charlie.

"Good morning y/n!" She beams "How did you find your room?"

"It was very comfortable, thank you so much." I smile.

"You've met me, Vaggie and Alastor. You should meet the rest of us!"  She excitedly introduces everyone as they wave to me.

"You must be hungry! Let's go get something for you to eat." Charlie says.

"Oh nonono. it's alright you've done so much already and besides, I don't have money to pay for it, or anything else." I protest.

"Don't sweat it, toots! Do you really think any of us pay?" The spider demon said.

"I know Angeldust, but I'm thinking of applying for job, having a clean conscience is a bare minimum for me. I would like to eventually pay." I say.

"Where would you get a job toots?" Angeldust asked.

"Well, the Vees are offering jobs and I was thinking of- ."

"Wait WHAT?!" Angeldust shouted. "Babe look, you are a great person."

He places his arms on my shoulders

"Whatever you do, DON'T work for Val. I don't know about Vox and Velvette. But just avoid Val at ALL cost."  He said, the severity evident in his eyes.

"Alright alright, I wasn't planning on it anyways." I assure him. "But what's so bad about him?"

"Well I used to work for him and it was...terrible. I just don't want you to go through that." He responded looking away.

I nodded not wanting to pry any further. I wonder what happened?

Although, it was Vox who I was planning to work for anyways. Spending hours posing for modelling and having no say in your cloths/makeup or engaging in public sexual activities, was not something I wanted to do. Being Vox's Secretary would be the best option.   

"I'll try to stay out of trouble, don't worry I'll take care of myself." The last I want is all of them worrying for me.

"Well kid, you want a drink for good luck?" Husk asked, sipping his cheap booze.

"I think y/n should eat something first, she can't go on an empty stomach." Charlie said.

After lots of arguing, I eventually gave in, since Charlie and the others wouldn't.

"Y/n, how did you get into hell? You're such a nice person. People with your kind of personality don't usually come here." Vaggie asked as she ate.

"Well, I wasn't exactly a great person when I was on earth." I sadly smile.

I told them how I used to be a neuroscientist and how I would make companies by figuring out how to make things more addictive and to raise sales.  No matter the product, there was always a way to make it desirable for the public, from electronic games to restaurant dishes,  using my knowledge on how the brain worked and how it would affect people, I could manipulate anyone into buying these products or goods.

I was good at what I did, making more money for those companies and myself then anyone could ever imagine. But none the less, I was killed by a bullet to the heart. It was fate, I was at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

After my life story everyone was silent and shocked.

Finally Alastor spoke up. "I like you even better, my dear." He chuckled.

"Damn that was definitely unexpected." Vaggie said

"Well I got what I deserve. I wasn't a great person." I say

"It's alright kid, none of us really were innocent or perfect, why else would we be in hell?"
Husk said tipping his booze bottle side to side.

"He's right toots, who were you planning to work for anyways?" Angeldust asked

"I was planning to work for Vox, since I have so much experience with what he does. His technology does affect people physiological. I figured since  he wants people who are well educated on the subject and are good with technology, it was the perfect job for me. Since, I used to that shit."   I chuckled.
"Also, it's an easy job. Just keeping everything in order for him. " I added with a shrug.
"I was planning to start an application for the job today" I say, getting up from my chair, as everyone wishes me good luck.

I make my way back to my room. I sit on my bed, making a resume for this job shouldn't be too hard, right?

~Time skip brought to you by Nifty stabbing cockroaches~

I read over my paper one last time and take a deep breath. I got this and I'll get this job.  I finally submit my application by mail (Since I didn't have any form of technology yet). After a long day of work, I decide to call it a day and get ready for bed.

A/n: Finally done, I can't believe I have almost 40 reads! Thanks for all the support!


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