Chapter 5- A hopeful application

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~Vox's POV~

The lights and cameras are cut as the last channel was filmed. My professional smile vanishes, dropping to a frown. I unplug the wires from my head, I still had a whole lot of things to do but at least the workload was lighter now. I look l over some of the resumes sent to apply for the secretary job and well, they're all shit. If I'm going to have someone work right beside me, I at least want them to be somewhat comparable to me! Not some low-life, uneducated and unprofessional demon! God, it seems like I have more work to do now that I'm wasting time reading these fucking resumes.

I look at my clock, I've been working for 10 hours straight. Time for a coffee break. I walk to the lounge and unsurprisingly I find Valentino smoking his long ass cigarettes. Somehow he always finds times between each porn film to smoke.

"Hey Voxxy~ you look like shit." Val laughs.

"Whatever at least I'm working. Unlike you." I roll my eyes.

"You're such a workaholic. Anyways how's finding a secretary?~" Val asks

"The applicants are all shit." I say blankly.

"Seriously you haven't interviewed anyone? I've already hired three~" Valentino said, amused

"Yeah well, all your employees do is look pretty and have sex." I snap. "Anyways, I have stuff to do. So I'll be on my way." I finish making my coffee and make my way to the door.

"Maybe you should try to be more active in your sex life~ I can hook you up with someone!" Valentino shouts

"Fuck you!" I call back

"You won't be so uptight and stressed~"

I roll my eyes, my system heating up. What does he know? I'm a businessman, I have work to do and power to gain. What does that piece of shit know?

I sit back down in my office chair, monitoring the screens in front of me as I sip some coffee. Suddenly, I hear a knock on the door.

"Mail delivery for Mr. Vox?"

Mail? When was the last time I got mail? Doesn't everyone use technology now? I open the door and take the envelope from the mailman.

I open it and much to my dismay it's another resume. I'm tempted to just throw it out, after all the other shitty resumes. But then again, I really should interview someone for the job. If only I could manage my own fucking  company, then I wouldn't have to deal with this inconvenience. Whatever, I'll just skim it over and get it over with. But then the more I read the resume , the more intrigued I become. This woman....She'd be perfect for the job. She's not as great as me obviously, plus I have a reputation to keep as a powerful overlord and a stupid radio demon to defeat. So I'd have to meet her in person. I guess I'll send her a letter back then, offering a job interview.

~Time skip brought to you by Sir Pentious dancing with his eggbois~

~Y/n's pov~

It's been a week since I sent my resume. I can't help but be nervous, I haven't done this in a long time! Was it good enough? Was I qualified? These thoughts kept racing in my head. I can't keep living rent free in this hotel for all eternity. Don't get me wrong, everyone in this hotel has been great and they treat me so well. But, it just doesn't sit right with me to keep depending on them!

All of a sudden I here a knock on my door and I open my door to see Alastor.

"Hello dear! Charlie sent me to get you. Come along." He said as he disappeared.

Alastor is very unpredictable at times and kinda creepy, but he is very polite. I mean he did die the early 1900's, old habits die hard I guess. I take the elevator to the main floor.  As I walk out of the elevator, I'm greeted with an eruption of Hellos from everyone.

"Hi y/n! We were just hanging out here and we were wondering if you'd want to join us!" Charlie says waving.

"Hey toots, how's the job application going, for ya?" Angeldust asks.

" I haven't gotten a reply." I say sadly.

"Don't worry about it dear, those Video podcast are no good anyways. Radio is much better." Alastor said.

I laugh, finding it very amusing how Vox and Alastor have such a rivalry.  Suddenly I see Vaggie pop her head in the door way.

"Hey y/n, Someone dropped off some mail for you. Looks like something important." She calls to me.

I take the letter from her hands. It was a black envelope with a bright blue voxtech stamp. My heart fills with hope, could it be?

"Wow! How I envy you it's from the Vees!" Sir Pentious says in shock as the eggbois share his shock.

"Open it, toots! You might've gotten the job!" Angeldust exclaims excitedly.

I look at it anxiously, doubting myself. "What if it's a rejection of my application?"

"There's only one wait to find out, girl. " Vaggie says giving me an encouraging smile.

"And besides failure is the finest kind of entertainment!" Alastor says

"Alastor! Don't listen to him, what ever is in the letter we're all here for you no matter what!" Charlie says

I guess it's now or never, I open the letter and pull it out carefully. Holding my breath as my anxiety builds up. I unfold the delicate white paper and read the neat cursive writing. My eyes scan the page.

"What does it say?" Charlie asks anxiously

I take a breath and read the letter out loud:

Dear Ms. l/n,
After evaluating your job application, you have been accepted to be interviewed. Please come next week at 1pm and you'll be interviewed for the job as a secretary, here at voxtech. Thank you for choosing to work for my company, I look forward to meeting you.

CEO of Voxtech

I couldn't believe my eyes. I got accepted to have a job interview!

"You did it Y/n! Let's hope you officially get the job after the interview!" Charlie says pulling me into a hug.

"Sounds like a time to celebrate. Here kid you earned it." Husk says handing me a drink as everyone grabs one from his tray of beverages.

"To Y/n!" Everyone cheers clinking the glasses together. Maybe being in hell for eternity wouldn't be so bad, so far everything's going great.

A/n: Annnnd that's a wrap! Sorry it's taking so long to update new chapters. I just had a piano exam and I passed so yay! Hope everyone is doing well ❤️

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