Chapter Two: A Hero Is Born Part 2

Start from the beginning

One of those robots crawled its way up to the legendary staff. Once it reached the top it stood there, perhaps relishing all of the attention it had in that moment. It then put its hands around the cool surface and proceeded to struggle with lifting it out of the ground. (Y/N) watched with a bit of fascination. Maybe they could take the bot for themself and reshape its mindset in their image. Maybe use it as another host? But all of that thinking got brushed aside momentarily as both of its arms came off and flew backward high up in the air.

The poor thing sat up quickly and looked at both of its arms. It made a sorrowful sound that was sure to make anyone who heard it sympathize with it and faced down in humiliation and defeat. It then changed into one of fear as the two higher-powered individuals looked down on it with disgusted and disappointed facial expressions. The red hair then degraded it saying, "You fool. You think we didn't try that already? It's going to take more than a few robots to lift the Monkey King's staff. Only those deemed worthy can wield it."

(Y/N)'s eye twitched in annoyance. This man was really getting on their nerves. The man used pyrokinesis before his whole arm and hand became encased with a metallic glove and continued proudly, "But I, Red Son, have designed this gauntlet to bend it to my will."

The boy beside (Y/N) gasped and then slipped. The noodle packages he and (Y/N) had slipped but he caught them in his teeth. The yellow-eyed individual turned over and asked, "Are you okay, big brother MK?" the bird next to MK showed a look of surprise and slightly jumped at their voice. It was unexpected and it didn't appreciate the heart attack you gave one bit. It glared at you before looking away. MK meekly looked up at you and gave a 'mhm' sound to you.

They all watched as the prideful man, Red Son, went up to the staff slowly and dramatically. Once he got up to the top he chuckled and grabbed the staff firmly. The moment he had the glove on it was surrounded by electricity. His smug expression turned into one of confusion. The ground suddenly shook as the wind started to relentlessly lash at him. The ground broke into many pieces as he strained to get the thing out. His hair and eyes then fulminated into fire, he was screaming in determination and exasperation but the staff would not budge.

Where (Y/N), MK, and the bird were sitting, debris of rocks came down. MK was silently panicking while the bird moved down its head to see the pyrokinetic user try and uproot the staff from the ground. The vines and leaves surrounding the thing started to decompose into the earth. The dirt and grass around the staff broke up, allowing the person who desired the staff access to grab it for their own personal collection of rare items.

"Yes! I did it!" he exclaimed happily while panting. The robotic bulls applauded for him, except the one who embarrassed himself since he lost his arms. You would think that they would have just a little bit of sympathy for their creation. Everyone sat in silence for a moment, anticipating something to happen.

Red Son became impatient and cried out, "What?! Why isn't anything happening?!" Red Son climbed down the hill and asked, "Mother, are you sure this is the right mountain?"

His mother grabbed her head and snarkily replied back, "No! maybe it was that other mountain with a magical staff sealing away my husband!" As amusing as their interaction with each other may be, the universe has other plans as always and the ground shook aggressively.

A bright flash of light blinded everyone and a green beam shot up from the ground like a geyser before turning into a sphere of acidic green energy and exploding, making anyone who didn't have their feet planted steadily fly up in the air. A swirl of purple circled the semi-sphere and pushed everyone back. It was a nightmare, robo-bulls were scattered in the air everywhere. (Y/N) was almost slipping off of the pipe they sat crisscrossed on, MK and the noodle packages were holding on by a thread. Red Son and his mother covered their faces against this cruel gush of wind. But when they removed their arms they looked insane, out of their mind.

Yellow means Deceit - LMK x AbsoluteSolver!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now