Chapter 25: Let them cook! Special Exams!

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Important Note: moving forward, this story will be marked as 'mature' not because someone is going to die or anything, but because I wasn't able to avoid complications with this story! (See Wattpad's official policy!)

Please don't think this story is mainly 18+ and I hope it doesn't scare new readers off from trying this. By the way, this will also be done on Bonds & Betrayals, so don't think anything is changing over there!

From the storytelling NOTHING is going to be changed, so don't worry :)

Also, I am working on a potential rewrite of the Mako-Kiyor fanfic. I also have plans for a family fan fic of the Koji family after graduation!

Now, have fun reading.



"So? What am I supposed to do?"

Looking at her in an apron made me realize I should marry her as soon as possible. Not because she looks great in an apron, but because she will probably be the mother of my children if our relationship keeps going.

And I am praying for this to happen.

"You can prepare the table, or do nothing. It's my job to do this you know?"

Her job...? I heard on the internet that usually it's the woman who does the household and the man who brings the money home. But I am asking myself...

What's my use if I cannot bring money home since I am still a student? I am genuinely confused as to what my job is here, doing nothing would just make me look like an asshole.

"How does that make sense?"

"Didn't you pay for the ingredients? It would be pretty nice if I could cook something for you that tastes well. You did enough with carrying my bags for several hours you know? Must be annoying to be you."

"What kind of insult is that? 'Must be annoying to be you' It doesn't make it better that you are forcing me into dating you."

It's not that my life has gotten a lot more complicated. More like completely different. I have gotten a lot of new views on topics, I am a lot more cautious with my decisions and try to exclude her from my plans.

Also, I started to become more and more social, not only with her but with everyone around as well. That's a good development I must admit.

Just like Matsuo tasked me to do, I've reached the goal of getting a girlfriend. It's not as if this was the important thing of the main quest, this was just entirely something out of curiosity.

Oh, how sad it is that something will probably separate us. Maybe she'll lose her feelings towards me? What if her parents dislike me?

What if someone gets expelled? What if she betrays me? It's not that I would care.

This relationship is of a high placement of importance for me, but not as close as my independence and safety. If that ever gets endangered, I don't think I would hesitate to let my plan take turns for her.

After all, just like everyone else, they want to take advantage of me. If it turns out to be the case, the result would be like expected.

It doesn't need to be a personal matter, whenever she tries to gain an advantage of a situation to expel someone, a rhythm will kick in to take her down with me.

"I am not forcing you into dating me. You can leave any time. Just live with the permanent consequences."

"That's pretty much the same as forcing me right?

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