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lauryn parker

"i have a new client today dream. i'm not calling out" i said while rolling my eyes at my best friend. she always wants me to call out. she doesn't understand that people need me.

"you so lame. i barely even get to see you anymore" dream said while whining and tugging on my arm. i rolled my eyes at her. dramatic is really her middle name.

"i gotta go, ill see you later though boo!" i said while walking out the door. dream fake cried and flipped me off.

"that's if your controlling girlfriend lets you!" she yelled back. i rolled my eyes. the thought of her just made me upset. i don't hate my girlfriend but i dislike the things she does.

i have a huge attachment to her so i can't let her go. she threatens to leave me each time we fight and it hurts me badly. i wanted to be in love with someone but this is not what i expected.

she's cheated on me atleast eight times. i took her back those eight times. i believed she would change. she never did. i was wasting my time. she held so much stuff over me. she threatened me when i said i was going to leave.

i forgave her but i didn't forget anything she did. it's hard for us to get along due to me always having my guard up against her. i can't trust her and she knows that. thats why she's trying her hardest to gain control over me again.

i ignore all of her attempts and try to remain happy in our "relationship" but it isn't cutting for me anymore. i can't do it.

i ignored thinking about her and pulled up to my job. i was excited to meet my new client. im always excited for new clients. i love being there and helping people.

"hey ms parker!" the lady at the desk waved at me. i waved back with a smile. i still don't know her name. i've been working here for a while too.

"your new client is waiting outside of your room" she said. i nodded and walked to my room and seen this young girl sitting outside my door.

she looked like she had been crying for days. i instantly felt sorry for her. i felt bad. i don't even know what happened to her yet. the look on her face tells everything.

"hello, i'm mrs parker. i'm your new therapist, im assuming you are here for your first session?" i asked. she nodded her head. i nodded back. "you can follow me into the room".

she hasn't said a word to me yet. i didn't wanna pressure her either. i take things slow with my clients. i don't wanna make them feel uncomfortable or rushed.

"you can have a seat right there if you you'd like. i'm ms parker as i already mentioned before" i said while smiling at her. she avoided eye contact with me. i could tell that it was going to be hard for her to open up. i'm not complaining. it's only been 5 minutes. who would explain their issues to some random person in 5 minutes?

i'll start off with the starters with her. "well i'll start off with the starters. my name is lauryn park-"

"if i hear parker one more time. i'm going to flip" she said while giving me direct eye contact. i gasped a little.

she's a little mean but it's okay. "you're right. i've said my last name atleast ten times. my apologies" i said while giggling at her. she just gave me a thumbs up.

i sighed. i continued to try and make her ease up a bit. "my favorite color is pink, i love love love pizza, i don't have any siblings, and i love my job. your turn!" i said while smiling at her.

she scoffed at me. "your favorite color is pink? that's quite childish for a grown woman" she said while laughing at me. at this point i wanted to jump over my desk.

no one has ever been this rude. people have been quite mean but they've apologized for their behavior. she's just straight up rude with no regard.

"i don't think a color can be childish. it's your turn!" i said while fake smiling at her. she rolled her eyes.

"my name is te'marie. my favorite color is olive green, i don't like pizza, i have no siblings, and i have no job. happy?" she said sarcastically.

i nodded my head. i've never dealt with someone this mean before. "how is your experience in school? are you getting along with others?" i asked while smiling at her. she simply stared at me.

"listen im not a little ass girl. you don't have to ask me these baby ass questions. i'm grown ass woman" she slightly yelled at me. "you don't know me and i don't know you. i wanna keep things that way. i don't even know why im in this dumb ass place".

i was taken back by what she said. i didn't say anything back. i nodded my head. she sat there while i was on my computer. we sat in silence until our session was over.

"i guess ill see you tuesday?" i asked while smiling. she flipped me off and left the room.

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