Chapter 2 Houseguest

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There is a lot that you had to process after placing the stranger with the unique appearance into the back of your car. You soon turned on your car to take the stranger back to your house.This is honestly now what you would've expected at all not to mention the thunderstorm as well. It was quite strange but then yet again, you've had a chaotic week so this shouldn't be so unexpected.

When you had finally reached the destination to your house. You can't believe that this all happens still, but there was nothing that could be done at this point.Soon after you turned off the car, you open the door to the backseat to pick up the unique looking individual and took him into your house.

It is very clear given by the clouds in the sky and the sound of thunder and lightning that there was going to be a huge rainstorm. Luckily, you had already packed and a lot of groceries in your house as you were taking this unique looking individual into your very house at this moment.

You couldn't just leave him there. Though it is strange how he got there in the first place he seemed like he was severely injured.But that didn't matter as for the moment you unlock the door to your house as you and the unconscious interesting looking individual as soon inside.You soon placed the unconscious individual that had an interesting appearance down on the omen then you soon locked the door to your house as it was a good thing that you placed your car in the garage.

Now that you are inside your house along with your unique looking guest you decided to take him into the guest room that you have.When you soon turn on the lights of your house. It was one of those lights that came on slow but soon got brighter as time passed.Once you got your unconscious guest up you pussy to head over to the guestroom as you wondered how he even got there to begin with. It didn't make any sense to you as the thunder and lightning continue to get louder.

(" How did this unconsciousness individual ended up there is beyond me.But I couldn't just leave him there. Especially with this storm coming. Hopefully he'll wake up soon, but until then I'll just take care of him and my guestroom.")

When you soon arrived at your guest room, you opened the door as you turned on the light once the room is illuminated by the light the details are clear.There is a bed in the centre of the room also a dresser at the left side of the room and on the right side there is a desk with a cubby there.As the walls are a pastel pink there is also some pillows on the bed as well including how the blanket is white with a pattern of black on it.

There is also the fact that the blanket was very soft, including the bed.When you soon placed the individual on the bed as you also knows that you put down a gray towel there on the bed as well where the individual is laying down on. That's when you notice the clothing that the individual is wearing is well dirty to say the least.

You couldn't just leave him like this, as it only seem to be his tuxedo that seem to be damaged as for the rest of his clothing it seem to be doing somewhat well.But he still need some proper clean clothing when he wakes up however, it didn't take you so long to get the tuxedo out. It was very strange to say the least.But you don't know what this individual wears so perhaps you'll just have to figure this out later.

But for now there was no way you're going to get your guestroom bed dirty as you're gonna get some fresh clothes for this individual.Once you had no unconscious individual inside the guest bed taking the top of the tuxedo with you before you left. You made sure to put down a note when the individual woke up as you carefully close the door right behind you.

It is still confusing as to how the individual ended up there for some reason, but you decided not to question it.When you decided to look at the part of the tuxedo that you were taking it was strange it seem to have the colours of navy blue with cyan stripes. That was very strange, but you weren't one to questions, peoples fashion choices.Soon you also realize that this individual also had strange footwear as well with there being dark grey dress shoes with cyan laces, toes, and even tips of the shoes.

Including you've also noticed that the individual currently sleeping in your guest room bed also had navy blue skin with cyan claws like fingers. But perhaps you were being too exhausted. Given the day you've had has you needed to put this to wash and find some clothes for this individual to wear in the morning considering how tired you are once this is done.Once the part of the tuxedos put into the washer you soon headed to your room to take a long deserved nap.

But you also realize that this unique individuals had seem to be that of a rectangle, a television to be more precise. Not to mention that the individual also had some antennas for a television as well coming out of his head including coming out of a top hat that had a symbol that looked like to be radio waves. Including the fact that the individual is also wearing a red bowtie.

But right now you are way too exhausted soon you turn down the lights to your room as you close the door then you put on some pajamas, though it was quite sloppy, but you were very much exhausted.After that was done you soon collapsed onto your bed as your thoughts began to drift off a little bit.

(" I hope this individual will be fine. It was a good thin thing that I was able to find him. But I'm still confused as to how he got there in the first place. But that doesn't matter right now. I am simply exhausted. I'm going to sleep. Perhaps tomorrow I will have answers for now. I'm just going to lose consciousness.")

Soon you completely lost consciousness as the thunder and lightning became louder and the rainstorm came luckily, you and the unconscious individual are safe inside of your house. Perhaps you shall have answers in the morning, but for now it's simply the time to relax, giving how chaotic this day had become. As there was so many questions about how this individual got there to begin with, but that was for tomorrow. now was simply the time to just take a long break for what has happened.

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