chapter 3

186 6 13

Ethos POV:

The past few days had been very awkward. I never would've guessed that I would have gotten into a dating reality show with my roommate. Surely I did find him kind of attractive way I was gonna fall for that jerk.

3 days after the interview, Joel got an email from the show company, saying that we had been accepted. "Holy shit, this is amazing! Our story really did catch their eye!" my roommate shouted as he walked into my room. All I did was smile. I didnt know whether to feel anxious or relieved.

Me and Joel had sat on the sofa to eat breakfast together for probably the first time ever. As we were eating the leftover fries from yesterday Joel suddenly mentioned that we were being invited to go meet the other participants. Today. "At what time?" "Oh umm..12:30." he said carelessly. "Are u kidding?? Its 12 right now!" 'What am I getting myself into with this dude..'.

Both of us got ready just in time. The building wasnt as far away so we got there just before the set time. We saw the same woman who had been asking us questions. Along her, there was another man who was wearing a weird hood.

"Welcome! We were just waiting for u two! Come in, firstly we are gonna introduce each couple. We have made a small presentation after gathering information for each one of u." the woman said. We went into a cozy room with a huge television screen in it. Every couple had their own small sofa to sit on. I looked around and there were 7 pairs in total, including us.

The presentation started. Firstly we got to know Cleo and Martyn. Apparently they had been dating for 5 plus years as they had met all the way back in highschool. Cleo was a redhead who seemed quite scary in my opinion. Martyn was a blonde guy with a death glare, just like his girlfriend. Both of them didnt seem very talkative but maybe that was just my opinion.

The next couple introduced to us were the so called Homewreckers. At least that was what they called themselves. Their real names were Bdubs and Impulse. Bdubs was a short guy with a black eye, red bandana in his hair and a clock on his waist. Impulse wore a bright yellow and black tshirt and he had devil horns sticking out his messy brown hair. In conclusion, a pretty normal couple.

Afterwards we met Jimmy and Tango. Jimmy was quite literally a basic british for Tango, his hair was yellowish red, like fire, he had red glasses and all in all looked like a pretty smart guy. Him and Jimmy were smiling warmly and holding hands while they were being presented.

Next up were me and Joel. My roommate was presented like a soft guy who couldnt do anything on his own. This made me feel a bit bad for him because I knew how much he hated being made fun of. I knew if we werent around strangers he would have absolutely exploded but all he did was curse under his breath a few times. As for me..all I remember is that my introduction was much better than Joels.

Then we got to know Ren and Bigb. Ren was a dog hybrid with cool glasses and a red shirt. Bigb was his soulmate who was literally obsessed with cookies. From what I remember Ren was a prince. His fathers name was 'The Red King' or something like that and he had been known for having the best enchantment area in the whole country.

Next were Scar and Grian. They were highschool sweethearts as well. Scar was a tall guy with emerald eyes and scars across his face. He was wearing a zookeeper outfit and had his cat with him. His boyfriend Grian was a short boy with beautiful parrot wings and dirty blond hair. The smaller boy kept hiding behind his partners back, probably because of all the people staring at him.

The final couple were Pearl and Scott. Neither of them seemed really fond of the idea of being in the show if Im honest. Pearl was an australian girl with light brown hair and piercing red eyes. I could see she had a damn weapon in her hand. Her partner, Scott, was a blue haired boy with a flower crown on his head. His eyes were sparkling with..I dont really know but it was definitely creeping me out.

(765 words)

boat boys: Double Life- last couple standing winsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora