When only death brings salvation...

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We are all finite. Even those who resist and whose fear dominates their lives. We are all finite, this thought is associated with many fears and uncertainties, unforeseeable consequences. Perhaps pointing out the mistakes we have made, showing us our fallibility, perhaps even holding it against us. No denial of facts, no squirming, but facing up to the truth. But even the person who, in his God complex, thinks he is superior to everything is finite. Only life itself is endless, time is ultimately just a construct to be able to act accordingly. In reality, however, the hours only have the value that we ascribe to them; without this division, they would exist just like the air we breathe. Yet man in his arrogance chases them, in the utopia of immortality, but isn't the decisive thing what we leave behind when we ourselves are no more?

December 20, 2149

The doors of the great hall were forcefully opened and the Azgeda delegation entered, led by the Ice Queen. It was an impressive entrance, which only had no effect on Heda herself. Everyone else flinched noticeably, which brought a satisfied and self-righteous smile to Nia's face. With large, heavy steps, the older woman walked towards Lexa. Her stance strong and proud, as if nothing could dissuade her from her plan. Not even the commander himself.

"Why are you here, disrupting this meeting?" The brunette spoke in a strong voice, as if Nia were an insect and her presence an unwelcome one.

"I knew you were planning to gather everyone and have been waiting to speak in front of everyone. It took you a long time to finally do it. A shame or even an admission of your incompetence?" This time there were no indirect messages. The attack was open and happened in front of everyone. There was no way to dodge and her every move was watched and judged. If Heda failed, it would mean her death.

"What is your concern?" Lexa knew Nia's tactics and therefore didn't want to give her a stage for grand speeches or even room for further accusations.

"We demand the extradition and death of Wanheda, or Clarke, as you call her." A murmur went through the room and even the brunette was surprised, but didn't let it show. "On what grounds? After all, she's under my personal protection and she's considered part of this conversation." Lexa kept her voice as neutral as possible, devoid of any emotion.

However, the ice queen shrugged off her words. "Breaking the truce and deliberately killing countless of my people."

"Azgeda didn't just attack her village on your orders, she wiped it out, and if someone dares to oppose you, you call that a war crime? I see nothing to back up your words." The commander in her knew it even before it happened. She had given the Ice Queen an opportunity to attack her.

A mischievous smile appeared on Nia's face, which quickly disappeared. "I am indignant at the actions of our commander. Such serious accusations and I don't even get the chance to describe the situation from my point of view. Instead, Heda takes Wanheda's side without knowing all the facts! It's not her village. She wasn't born there and she's not part of our coalition. No, she's hiding from her own people! The Commander believes the word of a stranger more than a member of her council! Heda has become blind and deaf to the concerns of her own people, unless they serve her own needs. It's a disgrace and tramples on the very purpose and basic principles of the Council."

"She's the only survivor, who else but her could tell about it?" Lexa stood up from her throne, her head raised proudly, almost baring her teeth. "And I have seen the village and your deeds, Nia! They bore your mark. You branded them, every last one of them, like animals being slaughtered! You're lucky Clarke doesn't demand revenge! It doesn't matter if she was part of the village or not, but you blatantly violated the truce! You could lose your head for this!"

The woman with the scars on her face and the curly blonde hair laughed spitefully. "The Council would never allow that. He knows my strength and he doesn't want to incur the vengeance of my people, which would inevitably happen." She was sure of herself. The coalition was a structure built on shaky legs that would falter with the right nudge.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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