When moments decide...

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People make hundreds of decisions every day. According to psychologists, there are as many as 20,000. Some of them are conscious, but most of them happen without us thinking about them. The daily morning routine is questioned just as little as the obligation to go to work or how we get there. But what happens when we are given a conscious choice? When we have to decide between pleasure or loyalty? Is there a boundary that we do not cross? And who or what defines it? Is it possible to make one without emotions? Or is it only the communication between the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus that decides? What if everything plays an important role? When everything merges and complements each other? And if the soul is immortal in nature, how much does it and past lives influence our choices?

November 25, 2149

Lexa was still traveling and the week was already drawing to a close. Clarke had therefore used the past few days to expand her skills. Which ultimately led to her picking up a needle and thread anyway. Dexterous fingers weren't just important for clothing, so perhaps she could use her new skills to treat a wound one day. Who knew where her path would take her and whether she would have to sew herself one day. The world was a harsh place full of dangers and she knew from her own experience that not everyone was well-disposed towards her. So far, she had always managed to save herself without any major injuries, although she wasn't sure whether it was actually skill or luck that had saved her. But although she felt comfortable in her new surroundings, she decided it was time to try something new. So she said goodbye to her new friends the night before, with the possibility of returning and with a good feeling in her heart when she thought back to the last few days.

At around 5 o'clock the next morning, she made her way to the open-plan kitchen, which was under Raven's management. The young Latina was known for her high standards and perfectionism. Her right-hand man, Bellamy, was a well-known womanizer in Polis who left no stone unturned with the ladies and had already broken many a heart, that much Clarke had already learned. Nevertheless, the blonde wanted to try her luck and when she finally stepped through the door, several pairs of eyes looked at her in surprise, as if she had grown wings or even a second pair of arms overnight. She raised her left hand somewhat uncertainly in greeting. "Good morning."

The chef approached her, stood with her legs apart in front of her and put her hands on her hips before looking her up and down. "Morning. What can we do for you?"

The blonde was about to answer when a dark-haired woman she knew pushed her way through those present. "What Raven meant to say in her charming way was: Good morning, Clarke. Do you have a wish or do you need something? She certainly didn't mean to be unkind to Heda's personal guest." The blonde smiled apologetically at her. "Imagine that, a chef who isn't a morning person, stuff happens..." Octavia gave Raven a clear and warning look, as if it was a distinct possibility that Clarke would punish her for her behavior. But nothing of the sort was on her mind or actually within her capabilities. She was just a guest with limited rights of residence and that was all she was. At least that was how the blonde felt about her role.

"Exactly." The Latina cleared her throat. "Good morning, Clarke. What can we do for you?"

"I just wanted to see if there was any chance I could help you? I'd like to learn what a day in the kitchen is like." She tried to smile, but all she got was a skeptical look and an attempt to get rid of her. "Do you know how to cook? Our days are long and start before most people even wake up and end when others are already asleep." Octavia looked nervously back and forth between the two women.

"That sounds perfect and I'm a quick learner. I won't stand around uselessly or get in your way." Raven was about to shake her head when Octavia jabbed her elbow into her side. "It's all right, Bellamy and Octavia will show you around," the chef's voice sounded slightly pained, apparently the attack had hit its target.

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