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SUMMARY: hes exhausted

he grunted and rolled around, burying his face in your lap.

"cmon... you have to get up." you whined.

"but what if i don't want too???? getting up is too difficult... besides, it's the weekends. i don't have to get up."

"... that's not an excuse." you tried dragging him by the arm

"percy pleaseeee work with me. i'm trying to get you productive so you don't become a couch potato."

grover was coming over today and that's why you needed percy up, and also he's been lazy the past few days and he's done nothing. you don't want him to become unhealthy.

he groaned as you continued to drag him.

"but i don't want tooooo be productive right now. i want to be lazy, and relax."

he whined, digging his heels into the carpet.

"ughhhhh... why can't i have just another hour?" percy groaned and you kept your composure.

"it's so late. do you know what time it is?" you pointed to the clock on the wall

"it's basically lunch and you haven't ate breakfast yet. get up, and i will get something." you thought the breakfast thing would definitely work and bribe him

he groaned again, this time a bit louder.

"ughhhh... but breakfast is so..... *boring*."

he said, dragging out the word "boring".

"besides, breakfast is never good anyways. there is nothing good to eat in the morning. who wants boring cereal or toast????"

he did have a point with that.

"also, don't forget your best friends coming over today. so i think you better get ready."

his eyes widened a bit, he definitely forgot about that.

"wait ... he's coming over today? but... i thought that was next weekend!" he whined.

"why didn't you tell me sooner???"

you rolled your eyes and started shaking him

"that's the reason i've been trying to wake you upppppp sleepyhead."

his face scrunched up in annoyance.

"ughhhh... well, okay fine. i'll get up."

he flopped over onto the carpet, not bothering to stand up.

"help me get to the bathroom though..." you couldn't believe someone was this lazy

you just stared at him in disbelief

"yeah i'm not doing that." you crossed your arms

he groaned again. "c'mon... pleaseeeeee?" he turned his head away, giving you his best puppy dog eyes face.

"percy you can't-" i looked at you for a while.

"if you think im gonna fall for that then your a-" he pouted even more.

"your a genius. but this card is unfair." i put your arm around my shoulder and took you to the bathroom

once he made it to the bathroom, he leaned on you heavily. "thanks..." he grinned sheepishly.

"by the way... you look really nice today. did you put on some make up or something?"

you just ignored that question since he says it EVERYDAY.

"you should exercise or something. i've never seen someone as lazy as you." you weren't trying to be rude, just honest.

he grunted.

"exercise???? i'm only lazy when it comes to getting out of bed. otherwise, i'm pretty active. not as active as luke though... dude has serious muscle."

"uh okay." he was acting like he was drunk or something

he scoffed. "i bet you can't even do one push-up."

you were about to drop him, he was trying to get on your nerves and it was working. "me? i can definitely do a push-up. and are you purposely trying to push my buttons or whatever?"

he smirked "maybe..... ugh i just hated how you made me get out of bed."

you were gonna kill yourself "percy... this is basic stuff. getting out of bed is normal. you should thank me."

he made it seem like he hated this but in all seriousness, he was very thankful for you.

"thank you..."

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