TWO. student athletes

Start from the beginning

Tatum flashed a smile Kate's way as the older girl's touch left her. The sight of her smile made Kate's heart pang, knowing what she had told Tatum was a lie.

At some point after she broke ties with her ex, a time that Kate couldn't pinpoint for the life of her no matter how many times she racked her brain, the blonde had found herself not just tripping, but falling for Tatum.

Kate had never thought she'd view the girl in that way until she realized that her heart picked up every time Tatum looked her way, and she smiled every time Tatum burst into laughter at a joke she made. When she realized she tried to get her to laugh or smile, that was when Kate found herself in trouble— wanting to be the sole reason joy lit up in Tatum's eyes.

If she had to be honest, Kate hated hearing about this Ian guy ever since Jada had mentioned his name. Her heart had sunk at the news. She had tried not to listen, tried to tune out every word, but as Tatum's annoyance in her voice grew with each prodding question, Kate wanted nothing more than to help her.

Kate was always like this with Tatum. And she always will be.

She would do anything for the brunette, even at the expense of her own happiness.


At the party that night, it was in full swing by the time Tatum had arrived with AJ, who she had promised to get dinner with that night. After spending nearly half an hour trying to drag along a reluctant Molly. Eventually, to Tatum's relief, they were able to convince the senior to join them in meeting up with the rest of their teammates.

It was their last true opportunity to attend something of this nature without getting in trouble. Not that getting caught was the reason nobody on the team went out once the season picked up, but everybody prioritized themselves and their body so the team could have the best chance at success. Everybody's goal was a shot of redemption at the National Championship after the devastating loss to LSU the prior year.

Tatum would never forget the way Kate had cried into her shoulder that night, her string of mumbles of self blame that left her lips as she felt the weight crash onto her. She hadn't experienced the same responsibility as Kate with her playing time being on the smaller side, but her heart had ached at the emotions coming from the senior. 

She never wanted Kate, or anyone else on the team for that matter, that hurt ever again.

It didn't take long for AJ, leading the way since she was the tallest, to find their friends in the midst of the party. Tatum hadn't nearly expected it to be as full as it was, bodies cramming into the fraternity house. She was no stranger to these type of events, but deep down, she was glad that when October came around, she could use basketball as an excuse to stay away from self-absorbed frat boys.

"Hey, look who decided to show up!" Caitlin cheered teasingly.

"It's about time!" Jada beamed. "I was getting worried— see, this is why I never leave the apartment without taking you with me."

Then everyone got on Molly, a stream of loving jabs, all surprised she had decided to show up.

Tatum tapped Kate, who was laughing as they all joked with the transfer. The blonde turned, and Tatum could've sworn her absentminded smile grew when she faced her expectantly. "Where'd you get that? I need a drink."

Kate nodded behind them, "There's a cooler in the kitchen back that way."

"Anything good I should know of?"

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