We hold back each other from falling in love [7]

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The summer winds blow gently as Akaashi enters the clinic once again, immediately heading to work. Yamaguchi was having his surgery soon, and there was all the paperwork to fill out, not to mention Hanahajou forever on the rise again. The news kept questioning him about it, what to do about a disease so brutal, and Akaashi hated that all he could do was sit on the air and say he didn't know.

"I don't know," he would explain to the anchor on the news in front of millions watching from home. "There is not a cure yet, but we as a field and community are committed to preventing the spread and impact of Hanahajou." Always an I don't know, I'm not sure, and it killed him.

It's hard to be a respected figure when the only thing they say nowadays are the questions the public has for him.

"Your surgery was approved; I have the date right here. We can call this the quick consultation pre-surgery," Akaashi looked at the laptop, the digital mountain of paperwork for him to sign for Yamaguchi. "I'm sorry it's shorter notice than I would've liked. If I'm honest, hospitals are a little overwhelmed right now."

"That's fine."

Akaashi almost choked on his own spit when he heard the words. They were soft, frail, weak. This had been the first appointment with Yamaguchi in a while since there was no longer much to do for him. Less clinic visits, more hospital visits. It was a phase he did not enjoy the most about his job, though not by much. Akaashi was a general doctor, working at a clinic he helped to build from the ground up, he was not going to stay with his patients forever. The difference? Yamaguchi was his youngest patient in a while, and there was a reason Akaashi avoided pediatrics. Yamaguchi was barely an adult at all, and that haunted him.

Bokuto pops into his head, and Akaashi needs a distraction.

"So," Akaashi closes his laptop. A part of him wants to understand, be more empathetic. "This guy, why don't you talk a bit about him?"

What am I saying?

"What?" Yamaguchi raises an eyebrow, but his voice is already more alive than the rest of their appointment.

"It can help relieve the symptoms, if only temporarily," Akaashi shrugs. There were brief studies on that, how being around their person and relishing in their bond could help with Hanahaki. After all, it's that little bit of hope that counts.

Why does Bokuto look a little better when I stop by?

Another intrusive thought about Bokuto. Akaashi mentally curses at himself but brings his focus back to Yamaguchi. "Besides, everything is confidential."

Yamaguchi looks away before reaching into his pocket and pulling out his cell phone, the lock screen a picture of a much healthier Yamaguchi stood with a blond male with glasses. "That's him. Excuse my language, but it's a shitty situation because as much as I feel like this... he's also my best friend."

In love with your best friend?

"He's a little snarky, rough around the edges but it's so nice to see him grow as a person. We've been through so much together, we played volleyball together in high school and we actually got pretty far in tournaments too. All those days and nights, day after day, week after week, there are so many memories I don't want to forget. It's not just him, it's my whole life," Yamaguchi looks away to stare at the window, a shell of the boy who walked into the clinic months ago. "It's everything. For a long time, he was my everything but now... I really am putting all my memories on the table."

Akaashi notices tears starting to fall, and he does not have the heart to simply sit. He cautiously lays a hand on Yamaguchi's shoulder. "It's not going to be everything. Just him. It'll work and you'll be okay."

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