He nodded slowly. "I already have the right service in mind—"

Odette's heart stopped, her teeth gritting in fury and humiliation.

'How dare this lizard asshole idiot of a mate talk like this!? Gah! I will do the same!' She seethed, 'I will find someone else to kiss and to satisfy my needs—'

A vicious growl interrupted her thoughts as Zerberus clenched his jaw and grasped her chin, pulling her face closer. "Careful with your thoughts, rat."

The lavender dragoness chuckled, her eyes never meeting Odette's. "Oh, devil! She does look like a rat."

Odette couldn't be more humiliated. Tears had welled up in her eyes.

Everyone heard the insults, including her mate.

"She does." Zerberus confirmed, breaking her heart a little more. "But only to me. Only I can call her rat. She is my special rat, my reluctant heart. The good part of me that I never wanted but that without I will cease to exist." His voice was firm but calm, his eyes on her tears. "To you," he lifted his gaze, "to you, she is Princess. Lady. Goddess. You can choose, I don't care."

Then, suddenly, he bold up, still holding Odette with one arm, the seat smashed on the floor. A scrambled to put it back up.

"Bow to her... now." He snarled the last word, making Odette jump a bit.

Three of the women quickly scrambled over to his feet (their feet) and knelt. The lavender-haired female glared at Odette and paused, head straight, shoulders stiffening, before reluctantly kneeling too.

"Take her to the Dramagogon," Zerberus ordered, his tone emotionless yet with a cold finality.

Whatever Zerberus said must have been crazy because Odette heard several gasps from the non-dragon shifters dressed in black, while the shifters grunted their approval.

The woman screamed and spat purple fire in protest. "She will never make you come like I did!"

Zerberus dismissed his past lover and glanced at the other two females. "As per you two," he commenced, "you served me well. And as I was trying to say before I was interrupted..." he said in a growl that to Odette sounded more like a huff, "I do need your service."

Odette's heart dropped at his words... but calmed down as his clawed thumb rubbed circles on her back, as he held her up. "You will be in charge of sweeping the dust and changing the sheet of the warriors."

"And you." There was a last female that didn't laugh or join the teasing before. "You will see of my mate changing and bath since maids cannot touch her." The female in question bowed, "Yes, My Lord."

Dead silence filled the hall. There was not a time in history that a dragoness had to withstand such a low chore as cleaning.

"Is there anything someone wants to add? No? That what I thought," Zerberus spoke with an almost bored, husky drawl.

Odette watched with pity as the females were dragged out and brooms were handed to them.

Odette looked at the fourth, spared girl. She walked over a table and joined the other performers. So, this one is supposed to be my new...maid?

"Who were those women?" She finally asked, although she had an idea...

"My concubines," Zerberus replied nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather. "Now, why do you look horrified?" he remarked, observing Odette's reaction with mild amusement.

She stuttered, frustration and anger rising within her.

"If you can save your human jealousy for later or spare me with it... I'd prefer the latter." Zerberus said in his typical bored tone.

"For later," she snapped, scratching his neck with her nails. He didn't seem bothered. He merely sighed, still looking at her with his hooded eyes.

"What now?" Odette huffed, crossing her arms over her chest, the scales of her chest hard and heavy.

"We will feast," Zerberus informed.

She almost exhaled in relief.

"But first..." he paused, his words hanging in the air like a sentence, "we fuck."

Odette blinked.

Has she heard him correctly?!

"I have to show the scales of my territory that you are my true mate...the mate that freed me from stone and eternal sleep." He spoke in a low tone, his tongue flicking over his lips as he made her stand again. "To thank you."

Odette took a step back, her runner crashing over the tail of her dress. "Oh, but there's no need to–"

"You freed me from stone," he interrupted, his clawed hand grasping her chin and lifting up, "and I fuck you out of you humanity."

And then came the fire.

AN/ will he mate her in front of everyone?! Muahaha

Dont forget they are cold-blooded!!

King Beast - Vicious FlamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora