Makeup had been kept minimal, as per the Ashadoo's request. I couldn't resist adding a pop of color with some lipstick, just to spite him.

My hair, however, was a lost cause.

Its absence hit me hard. It felt like my whole head was missing.

The maid presented me with an array of turbans, each with a subtle blue hue and made of a material so soft it felt like a gentle caress against my weary scalp.

I asked for privacy when I was shown the shoes.

I had other ideas for that.

Remember my running shoes?

Beneath the dress they made me wear, I had them on.

Because if I had the chance, I'd bolt faster than a hare with a rocket strapped to its tail. I'd always find a way to run away; they just didn't know it yet. He didn't know it yet.

These thoughts swirled in my head as I walked down the cold corridor, following Fergus in blue.

He glanced at me, obviously avoiding my eyes, and smiled, encouraging me to come along.

I kept up my pace behind him.

"Here we are."

They sensed me before I emerged from the shadows of the door. Zerberus's scent was all over me, his forevermark creating an inescapable stamp.

A cloud of silence had fallen over the hall – I swear, over the entire castle.

So many eyes were on me.

Heads peered eagerly, expecting someone or something.

I felt like an accessory – a hairless one. It was not a nice feeling.

I walked slower, more rigid, like a broom would if it could walk, numbed with cold and terror, my steps falling unsurely. Reptilian faces, some handsome, some feral, lit up into broad smiles showing pointy teeth.

Dragon shifters could meet my gaze, and they did, curious about me because I was a different species. And most here fixed their cold eyes on my face and turban.

My eyes weren't fixed on any of them.

I met a certain pair, unable to escape it, as heat rose on my face.

I watched as they got closer, together with the rest of his body, which was a lot.

I was so alarmed by his masculinity that night that my lungs dried up faster than a puddle in the desert.

Part of me felt extreme relief that he came to walk with me.

Third POV

The Lord and Lady of all scaly beasts were certainly a spectacle during a dragon banquet, which was a show in its own right.

With pearly skin, silvery features (his hair, her eyebrows), she small and thin, he tall and broad, both exuded innate elegances, making them a beautiful pair of immortal mates. Both adorned in scales, his scales. She wore a long dress with a trailing train behind, while he donned a blue tunic and bare chest, the scales spread across his chest and arms resembling an elegant, tight-fitting robe made of blue diamonds. It was his aristocratic skin on display for all to see.

His white nails were pointed, but not too long for her sake, her own were gnawed to the tilt, now whitish as her fingers tightly gripped her mate's meaty arm as they made their grand entrance.

Gaze fixed straight ahead, his horns, worth more than a golden crown, rose towards the sky, challenging its domain. The predatory aura commanded servitude, while bluish smoke billowed from his nostrils, a stark reminder of what was concealed beneath that not-so-human looking skin.

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