the date

6 0 0

Time skip to 6pm

*At the Kang gang's office*

Seo was sitting on the chair like a king and the mafia leader himself was explaining him the deal

The leader:so sir are u ready for the deal*most politely*

Seo whispering something to Jun and Jun started to read the conditions and all

Time went by it was now 7pm but still the discussion was going on Jun noticed the time and whispered to seo

Jun: boss it's 7

Seo: so what?

Jun keeps quiet as knew seo doesn't like disturbance during work seo will just become angry if he reminded him of the date

Time past it's now 9pm and finally the deal was fixed now seo was in the car

Jun: we made it seo


Jun also forgot about the date and they both went to the mansion and slept

Meanwhile here shri's patience broke she was waiting for seo since two hours at that restaurant

Meanwhile here shri's patience broke she was waiting for seo since two hours at that restaurant

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Time went by.. three hours later ...four hours later.. suddenly seo came in with his bodyguards and saw Shri sitting their with the volcano expression

Seo didn't said anything and went and sat in infront of her

Shri looked at him and her expression changed she give him the cutest smile ever

Seo blushed looking at her (but no one noticed) she was looking extremely beautiful he was not able to take his eyes off her..he kept looking at her until she spoke

Shri: look i brought a new dress how is it. *She spins showing him the dress*
seo noticed that the bodyguards were looking at shri in a bad way he signed them to go out..

If you are curious this is what Shri is wearing

If you are curious this is what Shri is wearing

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