Me: So.... What are you getting at.

Rebecca: What I'm saying is: Emiya is going after someone else. She knows transforming into Candice again is a risk move since we would know. Which also means: She is waiting for the right moment to steal one of us and steal their partner's love. Just like Candice and Spencer.

Both mine and Dakota eyes widen.

Dakota: But who would she go after? Everyone in this school knows not to show too much love since that's what draw her to our school.

Me: We don't know... Let's ask vice principal .

3rd pov

As the three friends aka Y/n, Dakota, and Rebecca went to find the vice principal. The scene changes to a cave full of vines, moss, and bats. Inside the cave it was dark but all you could see was a soft glow coming from a jewel. The unknown person who was hiding in the shadow held the gem up to their face.

???: Seems that the gem has found a new victim.

The unknown person kept looking at the soft glow and showed a picture of a male who seemed similar to Riddle appeared in the gem.

???: Hmm.... Seems like Roseheart is the victim. Guess it's time to spy on him to see what he looks like.

The gem then shows a girl similar to Esther.

???: Oh!? Seems like Roseheart is in love with the dorm leader of Booklight.

The unknown person held her hand out onto the ground as A little beetle clawed into the unknown person's hand. The unknown person lifted the beetle to their face.

???: Thank you so much for the help of finding out their names, Charles. You take a rest.

The unknown person places Charles into a small tank habit for them. The unknown looked back at the gem and started laughing, followed by a wicked smile.

???: Be ready CHC..... Emiya Funakoshi Is coming back~.

The gem glow flicker which shows Emiya making a wicked smile. As the scene changes back to the school.

At the school

Esther pov

I was hanging out with Riddle, Kimberly, and the Bright Twins. Kimberly is in Booklight, while the bright twins are in Hyperty.

Riddle: So what your names? I'm Riddle Roseheart.

Kimberly: I'm Kimberly Evans, but call me Kim please.

Heaven: I'm Heaven Bright-

Nevaeh: And I'm Nevaeh Bright-

Heaven & Nevaeh: And we're the bright twins!

Riddle shivers when the twins talk at the same time.

Riddle: Great more twins.

Heaven: We meet Floyd and Jade. They seem fun to be around.

Nevaeh: Yep.

Heaven: Anyways, here is a nickname for you, Riddle.

Riddle: O-okay....?

Me: Just go with it.

Heaven: Your nickname is: Akai chō (Meaning Red Butterfly in Japanese)

Riddle: A butterfly nickname?

Nevaeh: Yep. Heaven loves Butterfly and gives her close friends nicknames. She even gave principal Tōsaka a nickname, which is: Sanbatafurai (Meaning Sun Butterfly in Japanese).

Heaven: I even gave Ms. Tōsaka A nickname, which is: Mūnbatafurai (Meaning Moon Butterfly in Japanese)

Me: My nickname is: Sutābatafurai (Meaning Star Butterfly in Japanese)

Riddle: That's cute. Floyd gives everyone at NRC fish nicknames.

Heaven: Floyd's nickname for me is: Clown Triggerfish.

Nevaeh: While Floyd's nickname for me is: Mandarinfish.

While we were talking about Heaven nicknames for everyone, I couldn't help but get this strange feeling at something that will happen and it involves Yuu friends from NRC.

Me: [Thought] It's alright, Esther. It's a gut feeling for now. The only one who can truly know when Emiya is coming is Ozella with her very long hair that twitches if someone bad happens or something is about to fall.

In Ozella room.

3rd pov

Ozella was talking to Kalim about her life about living on a rock farm until she was able to go to CHC alongside her sisters. While they were talking Ozella hair started to twitch like crazy.

Kalim: Cool!

Ozella: Oh! My Ozella Senses are going off.

Kalim: Is that good or bad?

Ozella: It mostly only twitches if something bad happens or something is about to fall. My keens even shake when someone is about to open the door and some is right behind it. I remember Esther wanted to know more about my Ozella Senses. Fun times, but it has been a few weeks since the last time they went crazy. Must mean something bad is going to happen soon, because it twitches softly when something is about to fall.

Kalim nodded, he understood everything and now he is worried for his friends. It could mean someone would overblot soon or something else far worse than someone being overblotted.

Cordelia: Okay so remember how I said "Please wait until you reach the bottom of this chapter to see what y/n gender will be for my book Drew x Reader book"

Cordelia: So I went onto Spin the Wheel app I have on my phone, and told myself "Which ever gender gets three votes, will be y/n gender for my Drew x Reader book."

Cordelia: So the reader gender for my Drew x Reader book is going to be.......

Cordelia: Female! Meaning my Drew x Reader book will be a Drew x Fem! Reader! (If ya want to see it, let me know and I might publish the bio for my Drew x Fem! Reader book.)

Cordelia: So enjoy guys!

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