"Thank you for trusting me with something like that" Will nodded "Of course."

After the two finished in the bathroom they left and went back to the table, everyone else back at the table as well.

"Oh you found him!" Mike said and Will smiled just a bit "Yea, I was in the bathroom" "Alright, well I'm ready to head out, can I come over to yours Will?"

Mike asked and Will nodded, he'd like to spend some time with Mike without El being there.

They all grabbed their things and left, saying goodbye and parting ways "See you Wednesday El!" Mike yelled to her and winked "See you Wednesday Mike!" She blew a kiss to him and he pretended to catch it.

Will rolled his eyes "So are you two dating?" Mike shook his head "Not yet, I've only known her for a few days, I want to take it slowly, so that's why we're going on a date!"

Will nodded as they pedaled off "I heard" Mike nodded excitedly "You should've danced with someone Will, it would've been fun" Will nodded "Yea, maybe."

They got to the Byers' home and dropped their bikes outside "You wanna go to castle Byler?" Mike asked and Will nodded.

They both went around the house and ran to the back where they crawled into Castle Byler.

"What do you think I should do for the date?" Mike asked and Will shrugged grabbing a book from beside the mattress and grabbing a pencil near by.

"You think I should do the movies" Will sighed deciding to actually help Mike instead of nodding and agreeing.

"No, you guys won't be able to connect that way, you'll just be watching a movie the whole time."

Mike nodded "how about just hanging at the mall, maybe buy her something?" Will shook his head "That's boring, how about a picnic?"

Mike smiled "Yea! She'll totally like that, will you help me plan it?" Will nodded and that's what they began to talk about.

Will just smiled through the whole thing and soon enough he just began to imagine that Mike and Will were planing a date for themselves.

As they spoke and laughed together they began to hear rain outside.

"Shit, everything gonna get soaked!" Mike said and Will shook his head "it won't get that wet, it's fine."

Mike then turned to Will and thought for a moment before smirking and grabbing Will's hand in his.

"Come dance with me Will, since you didn't dance at the roller rink."

Will blushed and didn't deny as Mike pulled him out into the rain.

They stood and Mike pulled him in by the waist and put his hand on Will's shoulder taking his hand and intertwining their fingers.

"I'm much better without roller skates on" Mike giggled and Will laughed a bit smiling at Mike.

The sky became dark and the only light was the faint light of the sky and the bright lights from Castle Byler.

"I'm sorry you didn't have anyone to dance with Will" Mike said as they danced slowly, getting drenched with the rain as they did so.

"It's fine Mike, I didn't want to dance anyway" Mike smiled "well you wanna dance now."

Mike then pulled away from Will and took his hands in his and began to spin them around.

"Mike! Stop! We're gonna slip!" Will yelled giggling and laughing as Mike didn't stop "Don't worry, if we fall we fall together!"

Will smiled as they spun and soon enough Mike slipped making Will slip with him.

They fell, and into the mud, and began laughing harder, Mike grabbed Will's hand and squeezed it.

"You okay?" Mike asked and Will nodded Mike turned one his side and to Will, Will doing the same.

"Thanks Will" Will rose his brow "for what?" Mike giggled a bit and took both of Will's hands in his.

"For being my friend, my best friend" Will smiled softly before turning away and letting go of Mike's hands.

"You're welcome" Mike then stood and put out his hand for Will "come on, let's head inside before we get sick."

Will nodded and took Mikes hand, Mike pulling him up.

Mike grabbed his bag from inside and began to walk towards the house, Will following along slowly.

All he could think about was how he was forever going to be a friend to Mike, nothing more.

But he wanted to be more, he wanted to be so much more, but he couldn't.

Will looked up at the sky as he heard Mike call for him, the rain hit his face and rolled down his cheeks.

"Fuck, why aren't I a girl so Mike could like me" He whispered to himself before looking forward and continuing towards the door.

All he wished was to be a girl so that he could have Mike, He wished he was El so he can have Mike.

He wished he was anything but himself so he can have Mike.

Word Count: 1391
Time Finsished: 1:33

☆Somewhere Only We Know☆-Bylerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें