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Few weeks ago.......

( A Handsome man who was dragging a petite man who looked young about 24 or. so, who was stumbling because of the force.
he just looked like a doll . he was stumbling hard from the force used by the man who was dragging him the whole crowd present there was gossiping about them some gazes were disgusting and some were jealous of the person dragging him . The boys eyes flkered from nervousness. But, Soon......... They got out of banquet hall )

( ? ):- leave me...... Let go... you're hurting me...... Let go ... please.

( ? ):- Stop shouting like a maniac don't you know you should not raise your voice .

( ? ):- You're nothing of me jerk stay.......

( ? ):- I am , I am your master and you're my slave.

( ? ):- Can't you just leave me why are you torturing me like this, why..... Why, fucking Jeon why ..........what have I done to deserve this...
( The boy grabbed the collar of the person next to him as he asked him )

( Jeon Jungkook the second heir of Jeon corporations which is a Top listed company in Korea and with a prestigious family background.
A very handsome man just not looks but is a very talented young man who is handling the whole corporation of Jeon's .
It is said that he had a bad past which changed him to a arrogant , aloof and merciless person. )

( Jungkook ):- Cause it's fun teasing you it's fucking enjoyable.

( ? ):- Enjoyable, this fucking shit I am enduring from fucking one month is enjoyable huh.... Let me guess it's because I beated the shit out of your brother or the slap you got or the humiliation you felt........
Is fucking so small from what I am enduring now, then .......then also I have apologized then what you want , answer me damn it ..............

( Jungkook ):- ...............

( ? ):- Do want me to apologize in public I will even do that but please let me live.......... Please leave me alone, please.

( thus he grabbed his loosening hand from his collar as he tightened his grip on his hand )

( Jungkook ):- I can't because you dared to marry someone else behind my back.

( ? ):- I marry someone or not it is none of your fucking business so just stay away how many times should I repeat .

( Jeon Junkook ):- Everything relating to my future husband is damn my business.

( ? ):- Fucking bastard i am not your husband you don't own me so take that shit out of your mind.

( Jungkook ):-you're Right, you're not my husband yet.
So, logically speaking I don't own you right....... So , to make you my belonging you have to be my fucking husband right . So , you will..You have to, today, .....and now.
( As he said this he started dragging him towards his car. The boy struggled hard and yanked his hand harshly. )

( ? ):- Jungkook , leave me . I just came for my friends wedding here I wasn't here to marry anyone.

( Jungkook ):- It doesn't matter anymore.

( ? ):- I fucking already said stop doing this . I was just a.............

( Jungkook ):- Rather being happy to marry such a young , rich , handsome gentleman the big shot......
' Jeon Jungkook' .
But , rather you're shouting like a maniac......It doesn't suit you.
' Min Yoongi '.

( Min Yoongi ,...
he has a good family background but was never recognised as their grandson through his lifetime.
A young and beautiful boy who lost his parents when he was 14.
And was tormented by his adopted cousins till he was 17.
he lived with his
adopted -grandparents .
Till the age of 17 after he ran away from home and started his own life with his little brother.
But, his past was not going to leave him alone........ There was something waiting for him. he was going to get chased by his horrible
past. )

( Yoongi slapped him hard making a sound like ' paaa ~~~~ ' Jungkook didn't react but rather he just laughed at his actions. )

( Yoongi ):- Don't call my name from your filthy mouth. A person who can't respect other people can't be a saint so stop this shit of yours. it's disgusting to hear .

( Jungkook ):- You really provoking the beast inside me Yoongi .

( Yoongi ):- Don't call yourself a beast it's a insult to the beast.

( Jungkook ):- Then see what this beast can do. You will soon beg me to marry you.

( As he said he started dragging Yoongi as he pushed him against the car , Yoongi struggled hard but couldn't do anything as jungkook held him strongly and took out something from his pocket and sprayed something on his face ............
Soon he started feeling dizzy. )

( Yoongi ):- Stay away, ~~ help me..let go off me bastard.
[ I am scared
Jeon you will regret , I don't deserve this I haven't done anything wrong and I swear I will prove my innocence . ]

( Jungkook chukled seeing him lifeless struggling under his grip .
he then opened the door and pushed him inside his car he got in the driver seat and started driving. )

{ After driving for more than half an hour the car reached a beautiful residence which looked extremely modern type house. There was a name plate in gold written 'Kim Taehyung ' . As the car stopped in front of the house Jungkook got off and opened the back seat and carried Yoongi in a bridal style and started to walk inside . )

( Jungkook ):- This is the new cage for you 'Min Yoongi ' you will regret living, you will beg for death but I won't let you die.
You will suffer. You will Suffer till last moment, last min, and last sec you're alive for what you did.
( He reached in the house as the door was already open while walking he felt Yoongi moving as soon as he realised it he throwed him harshly on the floor as a result he cried out aloud. )

( Yoongi ):- [ As I felt a little conciusness and felt someone was carrying me but before I could analyze something I felt heavy pain as I landed on the floor with great force it didn't took me a sec to hiss in pain. ]
Ahhh~~~~ ugh.....uhhh..... y-yueze.....
[ As I was still in pain he grabbed me by my hair and pulled them as he made me stand. ]
W-What are you..... Ahhh~~ Jungkook leave me ....... Urgh ~ ..let go........... It hurts ........please....

( Jungkook chukled and pushed him on the nearby couch as he landed on the couch harshly but didn't say....... anything ..soon he took out a paper and throwed it on the table and said )

( Jungkook ):- Sign them, and be my husband .

( Yoongi ):- You have gone mad.......
I don't want to marry you. Can't this small thing go in your head............. You're breaking the law Jeon Jungkook .. You can't kiddnapp me this....

( Yoongi didn't even budge he just stared at him with his bloodshot eyes)

( Jungkook ):- So, what will you do, let me guess........... Will you sue me.

( Yoongi ):- Yes.

( Jungkook ):- Call the cops..... But, wait a sec you know that pretty well that they are also my dogs licking my feet.
You can't even sue me ............ So stop spouting nonsense and sign them.

( Yoongi ):- ..........

( Jeon smirked as he looked at Yoongi )

( Jungkook ):- I won't say it twice Min ... Sign them.

( Yoongi ):- I won't then..... I won't.

( As he said , he stood up and walked past him but he grabbed his wrist and turned him back )

( Jungkook ):- So, You really won't.

( Yoongi ):- Leave me bastard... I said I don't want to marry you leave me.

( Jungkook got near his ear as Yoongi struggled more under his grip as he whispered something making him widen his eyes )

( Jungkook ):- Someone will bear the consequences of your choices kitten.

( Soon they heard a loud scream and crashing sounds, A lot of shouts could be easily heard. Just as Yoongi heard a
familiar male voice and he froze on spot . )

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