Chapter 27: Shopping.

Start from the beginning

"i can do it myself-"

"will you shut up? just turn around" i chuckled.

so far nothing has happened but thats because ive been keeping it innocent.

i want her to think im not going to do anything but then at the end take her by surprised.

i actually love cleaning maven. its so calming to clean my baby.

it does make me wet though. her body is so perfect. not musclar but she definitely has muscles.

thighs strong and tense with every step. stomach flat and toned. breast plump and perky.

she had a few scars on her skin making me want to press a kiss against each one.

i had m a few of them too. luckily they were just from being a tomboy at a young age and nothing serious.

i finished cleaning her back and we switched so she could do mine as she stepped under the water to wash away her soap suds.

after cleaning each other up maven went to cut off the water. "wait" i called out and pulled her back up.

she tried to turn to me but i stopped.


i cut her off, pushing my front against her back and slowly wrapping my hands around her waist feeling the smooth skin.

"your body is so perfect.." i complimented.

our height different was a little funny to me. i was drastically shorter than her but at this moment my eyes barely looked over her shoulder. i laid my head down on her back feeling the sharp intake of breath she suddenly let in as i wrapped my fingers around her length.

i slowly began pumping my fist; listening for the moans that would sound over the water.

"can i cum this time?" maven begged, her body trembling.

"of course not" my voice had a husk to it making me clear my throat but i know it was a result of my horiness.

the steam of the room was getting to me making the strands that managed to slip from my bun, stick to my face.

she whimpered trying to step away from me but immediately i pulled her back.

"v.. im going to cum please"

"no" my voice grew rougher as i stroked her faster then i suddenly slowed down when i felt her tremble a little too hard.

"im gon-na-" her voice broke off into a moan. i snatched my hand away as if i was burned.

she groaned and leaned on the wall. "f-uck.."

"that was a close one huh" i chuckled and let the pre cum coating my hand wash away in the water.

she didnt answer me; trying to stablize her breathing. i pulled back the shower glass and stepped out.

after a couple of minutes maven finally got out glaring at me but i only snickered.

we began getting dressed and when i looked over at maven i was a little shocked.

"you wear crop tops?" the dark green long sleeved top went above her belly button.

"sometimes. is that an issue..?"

"of course not. why would it be" i furrowed my eyebrows.

she shrugged and slipped the matching dark sweatpants over her blue boxers.

i went back to putting on my own clothes which was a white top that needed to be tied in the middle and blue jeans.

maven brushed her hair for a moment then came behind me while i was doing my make up and started brushing my hair for me.

i smiled at the gesture.

"do you want a braid today?"

i shook my head no. "just do a low ponytail"

she made a noise of acknowledgement.


"you know i feel kind of bad" i said as we turned the corner.

"for what?" maven asked.

"for making you carry all my things"

tilting my head back i looked at all the bags maven was carrying that i bought out of shops.. with her money.

of course i was slightly hesitant about her idea being me going shopping being a date but then i gave in because hey.. free money.

and yes it has been fun. we've been in most of the shops. i dont have a shit ton of things but maven's hands werent exactly empty.

she wouldnt let me carry anything either.

"you want to carry something?"

i thought about it then shrugged. "sure if it'll take some weight off you"

"carry my wallet"

i laughed a little in shock. "maven!"

"its weighing my pockets down a bit. i dont care, spend all of it if you want. it'll barely put a dent in my bank account. you deserve it, princess"


"im so full" i sighed, patting my belly as i leaned back against the booth seat.

maven looked up from her phone with her gorgeous brown eyes. she swiped her growing hair from her face. "you sure?"

"yes. do you want to go get a hair cut? i noticed its been growing we can do it today"

"i was going to go tomorrow but sure if you want to go now"

"okay!" we slid from our seats and started walking to the hair shop i saw a while back.

today is the best




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