Lil A/N

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I'm thinking of rewriting my story.

Won't do it now, cuz fuck that I still got school. Probably somewhere in the summer vacation. I will try to at least bring the 5th chapter of the first story out before completely rewriting it. It'll come out somewhere around May, hopefully.

Now, as for the reason as to why I'm deciding to rewrite it, take a look at my OC. See anything that distinguishes him from a normal, generic, self-insert character? No? Exactly my point.

I think I kinda rushed myself with this whole wattpad fanfic shtick. So much so that I didn't exactly have a clear idea as to who my OC really was. I mean, I've been writing some scenarios in my head with this character for quite some time and yet I still don't have a complete grasp on all his personality traits.

My OC, Yasuhiro Sasaki, is meant to be this fluffy ball of ADHD who's childish, erratic and whimsical. Not at all the calm, mature isekai harem protag that's not completely dense and is a BIT curious that I've written so far. Emphasis on the 'bit' cuz Yasu is meant to be the literal embodiment of the word Curiosity, butting in to other people's business with no care in the world and asking questions nonstop. Self-absorbed, blunt and thinks mainly for his own selfish goals. Sounds kinda like I'm making him out to be this asshole, but trust me, he ain't. He's meant to be more fun, turbulent and borderline annoying, not cool and collected. He'll get some development, of course, but he'll still stay mostly the same

I guess the closest comparison I could think of right now is Luck from Black Clover, except you replace his obsession with fighting for learning.

I kinda ranted here but you get my point.

The rewrite will go under the same name, cuz I suck at coming up with them, as you've probably guessed with how I've titled my chapters so far. I'll try to improve on that part as well.

In summary: This fic was somewhat half-assed with pretty much no direction and a bland, mass-produced MC. I'll try to fix all of these things in the rewrite.

During the summer vacation where I have a ton of time (hopefully), I'll try to pump out more chapters in shorter durations, maybe a chap every 2 weeks or sumn. Hopefully I don't lose motivation by then. And, well, if I do . . . I dunno. I do hope it doesn't come to that, though.

Anyways, that's pretty much it! I won't remove this story from the face of wattpad, mainly to serve as a reminder to myself to do better, I guess.

Lots of thanks for taking some time out of your day to read this lil story, and my apologies to those who found this story interesting, however few, for having to discontinue it. I do hope you'd give the rewrite a shot, though.

In any case, I'mma see y'all around, I guess.



[Gurt will stay. Dunno if anyone even likes this goober, but I certainly do.]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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