6. Owie

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"Oh, no... you poor little thing. So weak and helpless under me...."

"Wait what?"

Ew, that's so creepy!

"That's enough, don't you think Konig?"

Konig glared, he looked so angry.

"OW!" I shouted as his grip tightened around my wrists.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

He got off me and helped me up.

"There you go."

"Thank you sir..."

I glanced at Ghost who was staring at Konig.

Shit, I embarrassed myself in front of Ghost AND Nest.

"It's alright buddy. You did great." Nest whispered.

"Thanks. He really hurt me." I looked down at my already bruised wrists.

"Damn, how tight was he holding you?"

We were dismissed.

"It happened when Ghost told him to get off me. He looked so angry." I whispered.

"Damn. He must really hate being told what to do."


Both Nest and I stopped walking. We turned and saw Konig walking over.

He gave Nest a dirty look but then smiled at me.

Must be because he stopped with me when he wasn't called.

"YN, follow me. I need you to do something for me."

"I can help."

We looked at Ghost who was suddenly next to us.

"Ah, it is alright, Lieutenant. It's a new recruits job."


"Why don't you and Nest here go... do something else? That's an order."

"Like what?" Nest asked.

"Hmm... why don't you guys take a swim, head first into the lake?" Konig put a hand on my shoulder.

"But sir, aren't there brain eating amoeba that will 100% kill you if you swim in there? That's why we're not allowed near there?" Nest asked.

"Oh, is there? I must have forgotten." Konig shrugged.

Ghost stared at Konig and then looked away.

Did he just look at me with concern?


At least I hope not.

"Now, YN, come with me."

We turned and walked away.

I looked over my shoulder and they both looked a bit concerned for me.

I'm sure it's nothing....

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