2. Training

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Nest and I spoke for a long time.

Finally I left, took a shower and dried off.

When I got out, Konig was walking past.

"Oh, hello again sir." I smiled.

"Ah, hallo. Remind me of your name, Private."

"I'm YN LN, sir."

"I'm Colonel Konig."

"Yes sir." I grinned.

"You are very cheerful, private."

"I'm excited to be here."

"This is no theme park." He said.

"I know, sir. But I come from a long line of military and I'm excited to keep the tradition going."

"Ah, I see. You're very small."

"I'm 5'5 sir."

"Small." He nodded.

I glanced at my watch.

It's almost curfew. I have to go but he's talking to me.

"Private. What are you doing out of bed? Do you know what time it is?"

I turned and my heart began to race and butterflies flew around my stomach.

It's Ghost!

"Ah, Lieutenant. She and I are having a conversation. That's all."

You can join if you'd like!

I better not say that out loud.

"Well, just make sure you get to bed in time." And with that, the hottie left.

"Hmm. Perhaps he is right. You should get to bed." Konig said.

"Sir yes sir."

"You're dismissed."

I hurried away to bed.

I tried to sleep but I kept feeling as if I was being watched.

At some point I felt something or someone stroke my back.

When I turned and looked around...nothing.

I got to sleep at least one hour.

"Woah, you look like shit!" Nest walked up to me with a smile.

"Thanks, I was trying to look like you."

"Dumbass, that's shit I use to say in kindergarten!" He laughed.

"Shut up, I'm to tired for this."

"Let me guess, you couldn't sleep because you miss your mommy." He teased.

"I don't have a mom, I have two dads." I grinned.

"Oh cool! I have two moms!" He smiled.

"Wait, really!?" I gasped.

"Yeah, that's such a coincidence!"

"You two. Get into formation. This isn't a playground to be chitchatting."

"Yes Lieutenant!" We both saluted and I noticed Konig staring at me.

What's he looking at?

He looked at Nest and then looked away.

Ah, so he wasn't just looking at me.

Damn, Ghost has a fat ass!

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