The Weight Of Fame

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"When I'm away from you, I'm happier than ever
Wish I could explain it better
I wish it wasn't true
Give me a day or two to think of something clever
To write myself a letter
To tell me what to do, mm-mmm"


Wang Yibo, the current internet sensation, sat in his rotating chair, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as he scrolled through social media posts flooding his feed.

The comments Wang Yibo was seeing on social media were pretty harsh:

"Boycott Wang Yibo."
"Yibo, you should be dead."
"We all hate you, Wang Yibo."
"Wang Yibo is a molester!"
"Wang Yibo is a criminal!"

Reading these comments, Wang Yibo let out a heavy sigh, his mind swirling with thoughts about the events of the past month. He couldn't help but wonder how things had escalated to this point.

"Why are they doing this? After knowing me as an actor all these years, they aren't believing me?" Wang Yibo expressed, his voice tinged with frustration and disbelief.

Wang Yibo, a renowned actor across China, had built his career on his talent and hard work. Yet, despite his success, the sudden onslaught of accusations and hate left him questioning everything he had worked for.

Recently, just a few months ago, Wang Yibo found himself embroiled in a scandal with an actress. Rumors circulated that he had attempted to sexually harass his co-star while intoxicated at a promotion party for their new drama. The incident cast a dark shadow over his career, despite the drama's success. He faced arrest and a legal battle, but with the help of his lawyer and solid evidence, he was eventually proven innocent.

Just as Wang Yibo began to feel the support of his fans again, rumors surfaced from someone within his own agency suggesting that he was guilty, but had used his wealth and influence to manipulate the outcome of the case. This added another layer of complexity to an already tumultuous situation, leaving Wang Yibo feeling betrayed and disillusioned by those he once trusted.   The revelation triggered a wave of emotions, particularly among Wang Yibo's female fans, who had once idolized him. Now, they viewed him with disdain, seeing him as a molester, a rapist, and a criminal who had betrayed their trust and shouldn't be accepted as part of a healthy society. The betrayal felt deeply personal to many, causing a rupture in the connection they had felt with their idol.

"This can't be happening," he muttered to himself, frustration evident in his voice. "I've never done anything to deserve this. Why can't they see the truth?" Wang Yibo's disbelief and anguish were palpable as he grappled with the unfairness of the situation.

Wang Yibo had always been known for his resilience and unwavering confidence in his actions, traits that had catapulted him to fame at a young age. His ability to persevere through challenges and maintain his composure in the face of adversity had been admired by many. Yet, even someone as strong-willed as Wang Yibo found it difficult to weather the storm of false accusations and betrayal.

Wang Yibo's strikingly handsome features, with his perfect jawline, expressive eyes, and tall stature, made him the object of desire for countless girls across China who admired him. Beyond his looks, his diverse talents added to his allure—he was not only an accomplished actor but also a skilled singer, motorcycle racer, and a fantastic dancer. His multifaceted abilities earned him the admiration of fans from various walks of life, solidifying his status as a true multi-talented star.

The relentless harassment and persistent rumors pushed Wang Yibo to his breaking point. Despite his usual self-reliance and determination to succeed through his own efforts, the weight of the false accusations and ongoing turmoil took its toll on him. At just twenty-six years old, he had worked tirelessly to reach the pinnacle of success, only to have it threatened by the scandal that seemed to haunt him at every turn.

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