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when i felt bad once i thought of this;
I don't like that I go back to the people that hurt me. I know I will just get hurt again. I don't like that fact. sometimes it will be my best friends that hurt me but I will still go back to them. I just felt so safe around them even though they hurt me it hurts to try to be happy when forced it hurts to know what I did to myself. It hurts to know i cut myself.
I want to stop and I tell people I already did but I didn't and it just hurts me to know that I'm lying. I just don't want them to be mad at me because whenever they mad at me, they will yell at me and then I'll cry I hate yelling I hate being hurt, but yeah I still go back to the people that did. I hate going to school. Everyone is so mean and everyone is harassing me every now and then for an account that isn't mine. I had three people yell at me that day, and they wanted to hurt me. people make me so scared. I've lost interest in a lot of things. I think that all my friends don't want to be my friend and they're only doing it so they don't hurt my feelings and I feel like I'm being used. It hurts like bullets to the heart and knife to the back it hurts alot and sometimes I don't ever feel like getting up because I just know that they will hurt me and I feel like that they would yell at me and I don't want that to happen

Things About Me: Semi diary for public Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora