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March 22'

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March 22'

"Man if she don't pick my nigga Orlando ima know something". Jayce says while leaning against Aimee as they watched All American:Homecoming on her MacBook.

They were currently in the field having a picnic, it was the day before spring break so all the students were gathered around mingling before they parted ways.

Aimee and Jayce decided to spend time with each other just in case they wouldn't see each other during break.

Aimee knew that her parents would be snooping in her business as far as Jayce goes not to mention he stays in South Carolina which is a two hour drive from Atlanta.

"Nah she needs to pick Damon, I mean their chemistry is unmatched not to mention he was here first". Aimee chimed in while running her fingers through Jayce locs.

"Shit Lando got motion for real, I think he's the better choice". Aimee chuckled as the next episode began.

"Grape?". She looked down at him while opening the container that held green grapes.

Jayce nodded not taking his eyes off of the laptop. Aimee fed him a grape before eating one herself.

"It's a throwback skating party going on tonight at Cascade, you want to go?". Jayce asked feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket.

"I would love to but I can't skate like that". Aimee admitted making Jayce chuckle. "I got you Mei". He kissed her hand before placing it back in his hair.

"Keep rubbing my scalp like this ima fuck around and go to sleep".

"Um no you're not, you're going to continue to watch our show big head". She playfully hit his forehead causing him to frown.

"Aye I know you ain't talking about a big head". He looked up at her as she laughed. "Whatever it's no where near as big as yours!". Aimee flicked his nose which led him to flip them over so he was now on top.

"Jayce don't you dare!". Aimee squealed as he began to tickle her.

Trying to break free Aimee stomach began to feel weak from laughing hard. "Jayce!". She continued to laugh making him laugh too.

"I can't breathe and you're going to make me pee!". Aimee gasped for air. Jayce finally stopped, still hovering over her his head leaned closer making her breath hitch.

Just as they were about to kiss they heard someone clear their throat making them pull away.

Looking up Aimee saw not only Asha but Alicia standing in front of them.

"Um Jayce can I talk to you?". Alicia eyed Aimee as Jayce sat next to Aimee, annoyance written over his face.

"We ain't go nothing to talk about".

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