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February 22'

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February 22'

Aimee was awaken by not only her phone ringing but the sound of her dorm room being opened.

Fishing for her phone she pressed the answer button not even looking at the contact.

"Since when do you miss service?! You better have a good explanation". Realizing it was her mother Aimee quickly sat up as her eyes popped open. Pulling the phone away from her ear she seen that it was 2pm.

"Mom I'm sorry, I overslept I had a long night of studying. I've been trying to prepare for midterms". Aimee lied looking over at Asha who was stripping out of her clothes.

"And I'm assuming Asha did too huh? Because she didn't call either". Maryann continued to grill Aimee making her sigh. "Yes we both were studying". Aimee empathized both cutting her eyes at Asha who held a scared look on her face.

Aimee pressed the speaker button just as Maryann began to yell. "The lies you tell! I know you girls were up to something and it wasn't studying! Lying on the Lord's day, you should be ashamed of yourselves ! I don't know what got yall distracted in which I'm assuming it's them no good boys but I'm going to need yall to fix it asap! The next time you girls miss service it won't be pretty!". Maryann fussed making Aimee feel guilty.

"Yes ma'am". They said in unison.

"Got my blood pressure up, I'm hanging up. Think about what yall did". And with that Maryann hung up the phone.

Aimee's mother was heavy into the church, every Sunday they would be at service. Since Aimee and Asha are at school she makes them tune in virtually, she didn't play about skipping church.

"Dang I feel bad". Asha says breaking the silence they were in. Aimee scuffed getting off of the bed. "You should".

"Look Mei don't be mad at me, yes I was wrong for leaving you but you know I've been trying get at Riq for a minute, I couldn't have passed on the opportunity. Plus I heard you left with JD". Asha smirked in which Aimee scrunched her face.

"Who said that?".

Asha grabbed her shower bag and a shower cap. "A few people saw yall leave the club with each other so spill".

"It's nothing to spill". Aimee too grabbed her shower bag.

"Girl you're lying! It's written all over your face! Plus I was in his apartment cause Riq was over there with him, he literally came back a few hours ago. So either he dropped you off and lounged somewhere else or yall spent the night together". Asha pressed opening up the door so they could walk out.

"For your information we didn't spend a night with each other. We got food and talk, we had lost track of time". Aimee says thinking back to last night, for the first time in her life she had genuinely enjoyed herself.

She was looking forward to spending time with Jayce again.

"Mhn I can't believe you even spent time with him and by the look on your face you enjoyed it too, well I'm happy for you". Aimee tried to hide her smile as they entered the bathroom which held the showers.

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