Kim's eyes widened as he felt his own blood moving in different directions. Crimea controlled him to stop and then kicked his head, sending him through the floor, to the opposite side of the room.

"The fuck?!" Kim gasped, standing up slowly. "Was... That?"

"Shift." Crimea responded, tucking his hand on one pocket. "Control of the direction of the blood."

Kim raised an eyebrow. He already knew that Crimea's power resolved around blood, but he didn't know the specifics. "Care to explain all about those symbols?" Kim asked, wiping his forehead and standing upright.

"Fair enough... Since i already know yours" Crimea replied, putting his hand back up. "My power is blood manipulation, but it is divided in 5 different pathways." He started to explain.

"Those pathways being: Rupture" Crimea formed a clawed posture on his hand. "By hardening the enemy blood in shape of claws i can perform cuts, that usually sever the fucker in pieces. It was the one i did agaisnt The Judge, remember?"

Kim nodded, and let Crimea continue. "'Hollow', this one is tiring to use" Crimea said, putting only his index and middle fingers up, while the others were down. "By accessing the enemies blood and stretching the blood vessels in a spiral movement, i generate force, carving a hole right through them. Imagine it as big ball that erases everything it touches."

"Then, 'Shift'." Crimea continued, putting only his index finger up, and twisting slowly his wrist. "Like i did to you, i can control the direction of the blood, making limbs stop and all that. Used it to create a umbrella when you were unconscious yesterday"

Kim nodded and remained focused. "The fourth is: 'Wound'" Crimea said, putting his little and index finger up, like horns and then aiming his hand to the floor. "I can heal myself with this, stopping bleeding and other complicated stuff."

"And the final one... is 'Fiend'" Crimea said in a low tone, putting only his index finger down and aiming his hand forward. "A variation of 'Shift', i put the blood on certain points and directions, creating a type of animal, and it devours the enemy from inside out, if it succeeds, i can use it for a while longer before the blood dries out"

"That's all" Crimea finished, tucking both hands on his pockets.

Kim swallowed and chuckled. "I see... So you basically could kill me right now if you wanted to?"

Crimea shook his head to the sides and then sighed out. "No. First of all, i limit myself, and then there's some conditions that need to be met. Won't dwell on the specifics of each symbol, but generally i need energy, can't be exhausted, a line of sight to the target, and... A mysterious one" Crimea said, holding his chin. "the same one that made the symbols i just made completely useless."

Kim blinked a few times, then chuckled loudly. "Well... If you knew everything it would be pretty boring." He said, getting ready to another round. "I have an idea..." He added  before dashing again towards Crimea, who was caught by surprise and hit with a punch straight into the chest. Crimea coughed and felt his back colliding agaisnt the wall.

"Not...going to... Transform your arm?" Crimea asked in a low tone, standing up. Kim smiled and responded teasingly. "Don't need to"

Crimea frowned and crackled his fingers. "Oh... I see" He whispered, waiting for another blow, and it came. Kim moved swiftly and close to the ground, kicking Crimea's ankles, but without success, Crimea dodged by jumping. And using that jump, he rotated his body mid-air and delivered a downwards kick right onto Kim's head, crushing the teenager back to the ground.

Crimea frowned, slightly disappointed, but shrugged since they were training. He landed on top of Kim and grabbed him by the collar. "Don't need my powers as well" He said, before punching Kim's face and dragging him around the floor, eventually launching him into the air, grabbing onto his calf and pushing him down again. He towered over Kim and crossed his arms.

Jagged Throne - Solo Leveling X OC (Fanbook Series)Where stories live. Discover now