Chapter 23 - Check Mate

Start from the beginning

House, raised an eyebrow his good hand going down to rub at his leg. "Do you actually hear yourself right now? Leaving on your terms? Are you really this stupid? If so I have to say I'm disappointed I was beginning to think better of you." The throb from his leg caused him to grimace and with nothing else for it he sat on the bench by her side, angling himself so he could look at her and fished in his pocket for a Vicodin.

Arin half glanced back and watched him sit and pop the pill. Her expression softened. "Look..." she started turning fully to face him again

"...don't take this the wrong way ok? But that place..." she nodded her head up at the hospital looming ever present behind them. " all just scares the bejeezuz out of me. I can't stay here any more. Please try to understand I'm not being stupid."

"That's the iatrophobia talking." House grummbled still rubbing his leg. " I understand alright, I understand you're scared but we can deal with that. I can treat that."

"Like you've managed to treat me so far?" She asked quietly.

House felt his jaw clench "I've treated you as much as you'd let me so far. If I'd have treated you like any other patient you'd have been restrained to the bed and loaded with Ativan so that I could treat you properly. This is my fault for actually trying to give a damn about you as a person." He fumed.

Arin gave another tired sigh, as if she were trying hard to contain herself. After a brief moment where only the drumming of the rain filled the air she finally ventured " look, believe it or not I really do appreciate your concern and everything you've done to try and help me."

House made a scoffing sound.

She ignored him but her tone did become more irritated "I mean it! But please, just listen when I'm telling you it's not warranted ok?"

House sighed, his head shaking and she continued.

"I mean There's probably ten other people in that building right now who actually need the particular brand of crazy you apparently call help. I'm not one of them, I'm fine."

"You're fine?" He asked and watched her a second longer before reaching a hand out the short distance between them and touched the back of his fingers onto her forehead. His mouth formed a thin grin line "Fever says otherwise Kiddo. "

Scowling at him Arin raised a hand up to bat his away and pulled back from his touch. "It's not related."

"Oh sure, it's not related. It's just one of the main symptoms you've shown since arriving here and it's not getting better with IV antibiotics or steroids."

"I already told you, it isn't because of what's wrong with me."

"But there is, by your own admission, something wrong with you." He said expectantly. Check...

Arin blinked looking momentarily stunned, "..what? No that's not what i... look the fevers aren't new ok! I already told you they just happen sometimes, they aren't that bad."

"But it's not supposed to "happen sometimes!" Fevers are a symptom of something. Idiopathic fevers are only called that because the person trying to diagnose them and failing are idiots." He flared and then took a second to try to calm himself.

"So you then?" Arin shot back arcidly

House pinched the bridge of his nose. "Noooo because YOU wouldn't LET me examine you remember? You went crazy on me and ended up on the floor."

"You've taken my temperature since that."

"Only to..." he started and then stopped. "You know what? Fine..." he said putting his hand into his inside jacket pocket. He retrieved an ear thermometer "Let me check. If it is like you said and it's not 'that bad' then fine you go. But if you're still running a high fever, you stay."

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