Chapter Eighteen- Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move.

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Chapter 18
Life is like a game of chess. To win you have to make a move.

After a few feet while still in line of sight with his patient's room. House stopped walking, causing Wilson to glance back and come to a stop as well. He waited watching the oncologist with interest.

Wilson turned to look in the direction they had come from and the direction he had intended on going, then House himself. He adopted a bemused sort of expression, "what are you doing?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips.

Save for a slight twitch of his eyebrows House looked a picture of innocence "I'm waiting to hear what you want to talk about." The older man replied.

This did not appear to be the response Wilson had expected "I...thought we could go to your office? Or mine?" Wilson said haltingly.

"Why?" House said

"Why?" Wilson repeated, again as if this new, unexpected dialogue unnerved him somewhat. "Uhh because you know your leg, you like to sit down...loaf around on my sofa like you normally do? You've been with that patient all day." He made a 'I have freed you' sort of gesture with both hands.


"So?" Wilson repeated again, dropping his hands this time.

"If all you do is repeat my words back to me this conversation goes nowhere." House sighed and waited, when his friend simply stood and gawked at him rolled his eyes and turned away.

"Wait...Where are you going?"

House looked back over his shoulder. "I'd have thought that was obvious. I'm going back to sit with my patient."

The fair haired Doctor laughed but his smile faded when House did little more than raise his eyebrows again meaningfully and take another step. "'re not serious?"

"I am."

"You're willingly going in, actually choosing to sit with her..."

"Looks like it." House said as he limped back the way he had come.

Wilson blinked once and then quickly marched around his friend and cut his progress off. He held up a hand to stop House "Ok... what's going on?"

"Going on? Wilson this is a Hospital, I'm a Doctor. I have a patient, you can do the rest of the math there surely. Clever boy like you?"

"Bollocks. Chase filled me in, hell Cuddy filled me in! First you explode soda over the girl then you take her as a patient? What's your game here House? What's the angle?"

House looked mildly offended. "No angle, she's just a patient."

"Right. Why her?"

"Hey I don't pick 'em." House shrugged

"Yes!" Willson exploded incredulously "Yes you do! That's exactly what you do! You literally hand select them."

House sighed again and looked at his watch meaningfully.

In response Wilson once again held up one hand. " You know what... I'm not going to pretend to understand what it is you think is going on here or you think you're seeing. I've seen the chart, this is not your sort of case, hell if she had appeared at the clinic you'd have called her a moron, wrote her a script and tossed her out by now." He pointed a finger accusingly. House's only response was a snort of amusement so Wilson continued. "So ignoring all of that, what I'm interested in is why are you here."

House rolled his head on his neck. "I just told you, she's a patient, I'm a do the math."

"Don't give me that. You know exactly what I meant. Why are you insisting on staying here? Why not let the team deal with her?"

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